Friday, September 4, 2009

basketball shorts

i have this new obsession with guy's basketball shorts. i dont know why, but a sudden unexplicable love for them has taken over my life. okay, maybe not taken over my life, but i really do love them.

i was standing in the incredibly long bookstore line at mason waiting to spend $192.00 on one stupid business book. gargantuan waste of money?? i think so. anyways, i was standing in line and my glance fell upon the guys clothes section, namely the basketball shorts. and for some unfathomable reason, i really really wanted a pair. i couldnt risk getting out of the line i had been standing in for a lifetime to get them, though, but i planned on coming back.

yesterday, my sister got me a pair. and i LOVE them. they are the most comfortable amazing shorts i have ever owned. and i see myself wasting all my money on them in the next week. who needs textbooks anyways??

guys get all the cool stuff.

*Basketball Shorts - Hoobastank (yes, it's an album name. i dont care. it fits)


  1. anonymous hippopotamusJune 7, 2011 at 9:06 AM

    seriously? this was 2 years ago?! it doesn't seem that long ago that you were obsessing over basketball shorts. weird!

  2. right? and my shorts still look brand new.
