Friday, March 20, 2020

so um. wow. two years. it almost makes me think that there's no point coming back here.


surprisingly i do have thoughts to write, but hopefully i'll be back (before another two years passes) to write them. right now i have some news to record. very, very, very late.

i'm having a baby! well, had. i had a baby. almost a year ago. and despite it being so long past the event, it should be recorded here along with his brothers' announcements. i've meant to write this update, and then just kept not. writing. it. but here i am. better late than never.

let's rewind things a bit. all the way back to last april. i was due april eleventh, and i watched my due date approach with no sign of the baby coming. i wasn't too worried. his brother had been a couple of days late. there was also some confusion in the very beginning of my pregnancy. in the ultrasound my doctor took in the office, the baby was measuring a week smaller than he technically should have been based on lmp. i got the positive late so we figured that i had just ovulated late and lmp was wrong. but then on a better machine baby matched lmp age exactly. so they kept the lmp age, but at the back of my mind i kept wondering if they were wrong.

anyway. i was late, and we set up the induction date. i had done this with my second and never reached the induction, so i assumed the same would happen. it didn't. and the day before my induction i was freaking. out. i called my doctors obsessively until i reached the one that did the early measurement and she was like, dude chill. so i tried to.

the next morning i went to the hospital around 7 and got checked in and set up. as we finished the registration questions we laughed about how i had already had my second at that point. my doctor came and gave me a little pep talk, told me that unless completely medically necessary they were not going to give me a c section if they induced me and it took too long (a main fear of mine), and explained how they were the least interfering of all the obs in the area. so i got comfortable and they started the induction.

this was a year ago, so some of the details are kind of fuzzy. at some point, my doctor came in and broke my waters and oh. my. god. that was not fun. she did say that i have strongest thighs of anyone she's seen, so take that everyone in my family who thinks i'm weak. that got things moving a bit faster. when my contractions started to get uncomfortable (uncomfortable but not super painful yet) i got an epidural. and waiting as long as possible (like my first) or skipping it completely (like my second) just seemed like unnecessarily painful decisions looking back. i've always felt lowkey bad about yelling at the anesthesiologist who did my epidural with yazeed. apparently they all talk, she checked who did my epidural that time, said that she had never said anything about it to me and didn't mark my file which apparently they do if you're extra awful to warn their friends? anyway, she said to let it go.

more time passed. the nurse checked me, said i was at i think a 6? it was at a point that they still weren't worried i'd be having the baby anytime soon. they gave me a peanut thing to hold between my knees to help things along. i forgot what it was called. my family had gone to lunch and called for an update before they headed back. i told them not to come yet as it would still be a few hours. of course, they never listen to things like that and came back anyway. shortly before they got back, my doctor came to check on me before she went to her other patient who was getting really close and was probably going to be pushing soon. she just gave me her whole "you're doing great, everything is working, no c section for you. the only thing that will change is the doctor that delivers you because my shift ends this evening" spiel and then she checks my cervix and says, "oh, shit."

which is exactly what you want your doctor to say when she has two fingers inside of you checking your body and baby as you're in the middle of labor, let me tell you.

i panic for three seconds before she says, "no no wait. never mind." apparently the baby had his arm up and his elbow was on top of his head (at his head?) and if it didn't move i wouldn't be allowed to push and i'd have to have a csection right after she assured me i definitely wouldn't at this point. but she poked it and he pulled it back down to where it was supposed to be. "oh," she added, "you're also about to have this baby right now." i called my family to let them know, but they were already walking back to my room. they hung out in the waiting room as i pushed out the baby, literally two pushes in one contraction and he was out at 2:37 pm. He weighed 7 lbs 14 oz, which made him the biggest of my babies, but then went on to be the smallest infant. he was so small for so long.

my oldest went through most of my pregnancy wanting to name him lizard 7azooka alazzaz. which... didn't happen. but he got over it.

and now here we are. nearly eleven months later. crazy.