Friday, January 11, 2013

but i aways said i'd try

after three weeks (i completely made up this number. i honestly have no idea how long it has been since the fall semester ended, but it feels like a lifetime. since i'm pretty sure it has not been a lifetime, i'm going with three weeks), of studying my eyes out for an exam that i ultimately failed because the professor really wants to win the biggest jerk of the year award, and i would hate him for it, but really, what else do tenured computer science professors have to live for? i mean, it's not like people are just lining up to give them awards or appreciation for anything else (probably because a good percentage of them are just not nice people, but that's neither here nor there), and not studying really much at all for three other exams that i actually think i did okay on (lesson learned. i knew i had never really studied before for a reason.) my quals are done and my school-free winter vacation can finally start. well, sort of. we're kind of in the middle of this whole petitioning for the beheading of said professor (or at least getting certain questions on the exam taken out or not graded or bonus pointed or something), and i kind of also have to write up an outline for my independent study class for next semester, and i really should start emailing professors again so i can let them laugh at how little i know and have them tell me all the reasons that they do not in fact want to be on my dissertation committee, but that can all wait until tomorrow. i am declaring this day officially schoolless.

i would fill you in on all of the things that have been happening in my studying and test taking days (like how on that really, really windy day i went to campus for a study group and ended up having to run for my life from a huge piece of plywood that had recently learned to fly and decided to celebrate its new found talent by trying to crush me to death. or that time that i was reading on campus and looked up to glare at the guy that was standing ridiculously close to me and i thought was talking on the phone, but it turned out that it was my professor and he had been talking to me for the last five minutes without apparently noticing that i was reading and not listening to him at all.) but i've told the stories so many times to people in real life that they'd just sound overtold and boring if i tried to write them out here.

i will say, though, that one girl in my study group was shocked to hear that sarah was a common name. she wanted to name her daughter something unique and had been debating between sarah and tara and ultimately went with the latter. when i told her that sarah was probably the most common name in the world, she almost didn't believe me. i mean, every year of grade school (no matter what state or school i was in) i had at least two other sarahs with me. i don't know what kind of world she's been living in.

anyway, i have decided to spend the time waiting for my results in editing. i'm not big on editing my novels (or any creative writing). the only one i ever actually edited at all was sincerely, mr. nobody and i stopped a couple chapters in. but a lot of people have said that editing is the best part of the writing process, and though i don't agree with them at all, if i ever want to be a real writer (which i do!) i may as well learn how to stick to it.

*My List - The Killers


  1. anonymous hippopotamusJanuary 11, 2013 at 2:16 PM

    you suck! i wanted to hear the story of the stupid professor...and the flying plywood! :'( :'( :'( i'm so left out!

    oh and that girl is stupid neither sarah or tara are unique names...what rock has she been living under?!

    1. story of the stupid professor: i studied for his stupid exam for weeks. it was the only one i really studied for. i have never studied that hard for anything in my life. then the exam comes and it was only five questions, each worth twenty points. two of them were not from the material and one was twisted and messed up. anyway, we're petitioning it.

      flying plywood: it was really windy, and they're doing construction on some of the building on campus. anyway, a huge piece of plywood came flying off a building straight towards me and i had to run out from under it but it kept coming at me cause of the wind. i escaped, obviously.

  2. anonymous hippopotamusJanuary 12, 2013 at 6:47 AM

    noo the professonr who was talking to you and you didn't realize it

    but the plywood is hilarious! i wish i could have seen it!

    1. oh. well that really was the whole story. i was sitting in a study lounge in the engineering building when i hear a guy start talking near me. i assumed he was on his phone and was getting annoyed because the campus was empty and he had nowhere else to talk? i looked up to glare at him and realized he was talking to me the entire time.

  3. My break is ending in three days :''(
    but congrats on your freedom!

    1. thanks! sorry for the end of yours :/. though i just realized today that i think i only have this week of freedom to which i say "so not fair" while crossing my arms over my chest and putting on my best pout.
