i recently witnessed a Twilight vs The Hunger Games fight, because, as you know, it is impossible to like both book series. and since you can't like both, you obviously can't tolerate being in the same vicinity of someone who does not enjoy the same series you do. it's common sense, really. it reminded me of the whole, Twilight vs Harry Potter thing that was going on (and might still be, i have to admit i'm not really up to date on most fandoms).
some of you may be wondering just what exactly is so necessary about choosing one series, one author, one book to love and defend to the death while adamantly refusing to even consider the fact that other people may like a different one better. well, besides the obvious reason that it's just not cool to allow more than one thought to live inside your brain, it is definitely impossible to call yourself a fan of something, to say that you loved or even liked it, when you are saying that you like something else too... even a little. and if that's true, then logically you can't expect the enlightened fans of one series to breathe the same air as the ignorant followers of another. that's simply unheard of.
and of course the books (Twilight, HP, THG) are constantly pitted against each other because they are just so similar, which only adds to the reason why you can't possibly like more than one of them let alone put all three on the same shelf. i mean, all three of them are children's books which successfully crossed over to adult audiences. they were all written by women. all of them are capable of fully throwing you into a world similar but completely different from our own. they all got kids reading. they all have um... characters (good and bad), and... uh... some sort of plot that they follow. they are all written in english and have chapters and titles and covers and hundreds of pages... see? practically the same series repeated three times.
is it possible for someone to not like one of the series for the sole reason that they did not like it (having nothing to do with their loyalty to another one)? yes, as long as it's the right series. is it possible for someone to hate all of them? yes, but we're too busy ignoring those people to care what they think. and is it possible to think that all of the books have their strong and weak points? no. absolutely not.
so basically, it is time you look through your books and choose the one that you like and throw the rest away. then, spend all of your time looking for people that don't agree with your choice and get into ridiculously huge arguments with them over it. all the cool kids are doing it.
*You Only Live Once - The Strokes
so THIS is why you're annoyed... i get it now. everyone in the house disagrees with your book choices.. okay no need to send me an email anymore :P
lool. yes, that is exactly why.
ReplyDeleteI don't think you have to only choose one book to like, but when I got into Twilight, I took my Harry Potter books off my shelf and put them on there instead. Now I took my Twilight books down for The Hunger Games. It's not that you can't like both, but it's what you like more at the moment.
ReplyDeleteokay, anonymous, i don't understand. is your bookshelf not big enough for more than one series of books at a time? can it not fit all fourteen books? why don't you buy another bookshelf? i get that you may like one more than the other at any given moment, but do you really have to get rid of the old to make room for the new?
ReplyDeleteI agree with Sarah...why not just keep them all on your book shelf? :S
ReplyDeleteTwilight, ew. HP, 'nuff said. Hunger Games, I need to get on that.
ReplyDeleteAnd do you even know how much I love you right now for putting up Strokes lyrics? Yes, that much.
this song (the title one) is one of my favoritest songs of all time. and yes, HP is undoubtedly the best out of the three series. no contest.
ReplyDeleteThe Strokes, their song, is one of your favorite songs EVER?!
ReplyDeleteI love you so much right now *_*
lol yeah i went through a phase a while back when it was just on repeat 24/7.