Thursday, September 2, 2010

that's too sad, i can't write that

in case any of you hadn't realized, i'm back home, picking my life up exactly where it left off. which may or may not account for my lack of blog posts. i'm not exactly sure. i read mockingjay which was slightly disappointing, as expected. i got LOST which is the prettiest boxed set of DVDs i've ever seen, though i still haven't watched it. i still haven't gotten my copy of darkness because someone has the worst memory in the world and/or refuses to bring it but is always at our house so i cant even go to hers and pick it up.

while school doesn't seem like it'll be bad at all, one of my classes is super awkward. mainly because it looks like i am the only student in the class. i didnt even think it was possible to hold a class with only one student, but apparently it is. do you know how hard it is to pay attention for three hours straight as someone drones on and on about stuff you already learned last semester with this same guy? now add to that a notebook begging to be doodled in and a computer begging to be used. agony. also, whenever i go to write something down he has no one to talk to and keeps saying "it's on the slides, you don't have to write this." maybe i want to write it, dude. and being the only person in the class makes ditching impossible. the good thing is that he curves and said he still will so i'll have to work really hard not to get an A. 

also, i think i've forgotten how to write. kinda. like i've been starting a bunch of pieces that i really like, but after the beginning few lines, i suddenly forget how to continue. some of them stop literally mid-sentence. it's ridiculous and very annoying. this may also be why i have to force myself to blog right now in an attempt to get through the block. maybe i'm just jetlagged?? i dunno.

*I Cant Write That - Jeff Bates


  1. anonymous hippopotamusJune 7, 2011 at 7:39 AM

    i was pregnant!!! im allowed to have a bad memory!!!!

  2. lool but i really wanted my book.
