Thursday, November 25, 2010

(insert relevant song lyric here)

the harry potter stars speaking 'american.' watch it. please. this is what i am thankful for on this thanksgiving. well, this and supersoft kleenex tissues. oh, and mashed potatoes... and apple pie.


  1. Anonymous hippopotamusNovember 26, 2010 at 8:55 AM

    At least you had home cooked food...who wants store bought everything (esp mashed potatoes).

  2. My sister totally made apple caramel cheesecake. The greatest dessert ever! And ^ mashed potatoes are easy! Those should never be store bought!

  3. Anonymous hippopotamusNovember 26, 2010 at 2:44 PM

    I know right??!! Store bought potatoes are gross!

  4. the "at least" makes it sound that i'm complaining, which i assure you i was not. i was thankful for other things, too. but i agree with all the mashed potato talk.

    and apple caramel cheesecake sounds like something i must try. and soon.
