Sunday, November 14, 2010

i guess this is growing up

i have always had a bit of a peter pan complex. while everyone else was growing up, i was content to stay searching for neverland in all my spare time. and while i intend to hold onto a certain amount of my childness for as long as i live, it seems like this weekend is forcing me off the proverbial cliff into adulthood.

first of all, in a crazy turn of events, that let me tell you even i wasn't expecting, i've been officially engaged for twenty four hours. as in, i'm gonna get married. that's right. me. (don't look so surprised, it's not that shocking.) i, who can't commit to anything, have committed my life to one person. i, who needs long breaks from the public because i cannot stand people, have decided to live with one person (not related to me) day in and day out for the rest of forever. i, who keeps the world at arm's length, have decided to let someone in... a bit lol. it's really crazy, but also awesome. i'd post a picture of the ring because it's pretty but i don't feel like getting my camera cords and downloading them so oh well.

apart from that huge development in my life, i have also been summoned for jury duty tomorrow. i kinda sorta really don't feel like waking up early to go sit around all day doing nothing. i'm dreading this a lot more than is probably healthy, but i don't. want. to. go. my sister, though, is dying to go to jury duty and if she wasn't having a baby like literally at this moment then i would so let her pretend to be me. i mean, besides the fact that that's probably super illegal and i would never do anything to break the law. but yeah, i'm dreading tomorrow.

on a completely unrelated note because my brain is not functioning well and my train of thought got derailed, my nano novel is coming along pathetically. it's really sad how behind i am, but i just can't seem to find the time or motivation to write it. that little progress bar hasn't changed for days. i will catch up, though. if only because i refuse to lose this thing. my tenacity will lead me to victory. by the end of the month, i may have pages and pages of crap, but there will be fifty thousand words there. also, i refuse for ash, my friend, to lose either. we need to meet up to write pronto.

anyway, go congratulate me in me my comments, congratulate my sister too, and motivate me to write. please and thank you.

*Dammit (Growing Up) - Blink 182


  1. engaged? crazy. as in awesome-crazy and exciting crazy. crazy congratulations to you. crazy crazy crazy. this comment might not sound very enthusiastic, but i hope the multiple crazys helped. i just can't bring myself to use exclamation points. it's a condition i have. but i do promise that i'm excited for you. here's an emoticon to prove it :D

    i hadn't heard about nanowrimo until a couple weeks ago which is embarrassing because i'm pretty sure i'm an english major. while i probably won't make it to 50,000 words by the deadline, or even attempt it, i'm keen to know the content of your 15,130 words. that is, if you'd be so kind to share.

    oh, and sorry about jury duty.
    i have yet to be summoned and dread the day i am, but i do hope you return to us with a blog report of the overwhelming excitement i'm sure you'll experience tomorrow.

    this comment is choppy and amazingly incoherent; i apologize if it was a headache to read.
    hope you had lovely weekend,
    goodnight :]

  2. Hey you! Mabrook on your engagement!!! That is really cool! Also I'm sure I've said this somewhere before but congrats to your sister too! I'm available for babysitting if current baby needs it! hahaha

    For all your "I'm behind nonsense," you are twice as far as I am, and now the student media dude wants to interview me and talk about my failure. That's so not cool. I seriously sat there for a couple of hours trying to add adjectives to a paragraph (new territory, using adjectives at all) and my mind was blank. hahaha lets see if we have better luck this week!

  3. anonymous hippopotamusNovember 15, 2010 at 11:29 AM

    :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) we should go to pink berry to celebrate....all of us you, me, mommy, and daddy..unless i have this baby. then you guys can go pick up pink berry and bring some to me! hahaha

    and thanks flea for the offer :D

  4. :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

    yeah I'm the luckiest man alive, and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you.

    I LOVE YOU!!!! :D :D :D

  5. So this is my official mabrook, mabrook! Allah ytamim likum 3ala 5air, and I hope you guys have the bestest future together, and wow I'm really not good at this stuff, but congrats, I love you, you're my buddy and you're getting married, wow.

    And congrats to Hannah as well, inshallah she has another beautiful healthy baby ^_^

    Get to writing, but I'd rather you show me the ring. I completely forgot about the whole ring aspect, but I guess it's what makes it legit. Oh goodness, wow.

  6. Oh, wow. This may sound a little strange, but I was just wondering the other day when you were going to decide to finally ~settle down. I'm really happy for you, and I truly hope this makes you as happy yellow daisies in the morning sun underneath a freshly laundered rainbow.

    Congratulations to you and your sister, pretty girl <3

    And about this Nanowrimo business, we can't have that meter stagnant at 15,130 for much longer, now, can we? You're my one hope -if I couldn't do this, I was going to live it through you. I'm not gonna harp on your ability to do it because I know you can, but the fact of the matter is your crap is better than most people's best so it doesn't take much for you to spew forth some literary goodness. You just need to get back on that horse, missy.

  7. <333333333333
    inshallah it'll be the BETTER THAN SIRIUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Prisca... your comment was awesome. i think i responded to everything in it in blog posts, so this response won't be super long. thank you very much :) and i think next year you should definitely nano. it's a blast.

    The Flea... thanks! i caught up and now you need to too. the commotions in my life right now have prevented me to fully harass you into finishing, but the month is not up yet. write.

    anonymous hippopotamus... omg let's go next week please. i want.

    mahoney...thank you! and you're better at this stuff than me. i'm so awkward in these social situations that other people seem to have ingrained in them as a child. i never know what to say. and i will post pictures of the ring eventually, but we should also get together so you can see it in person.

    tooly... thank youuu! and look! the meter is no longer stagnant. amazing, is it not?

    razan... i'm pretty sure that's blasphemy lol.

  9. I'm not going to saudi in the winter break, so we have no reasons not to chill together, for realsies -_-
    Razan you should come too, I miss your pretty face.
