Saturday, November 6, 2010

you don't see me

hello wonderful readers of my blog. want to know why i'm suddenly in a really good mood despite the fact that i can't breathe through my congested nose and my contacts are as dry as the sahara? (look at that NaNo progress bar up in the side bar for a hint.) that's right! for the first time this month, i am actually not behind in my novel writing. isn't it exciting? ten thousand four hundred and three words. i'm actually even a little ahead. (okay, only by a couple hundred words but whatever it beats being thousands behind.)

in honor of this unexpected awesomeness, here's a (slightly embarrassing) story that happened to me the other day.

have you ever watched the princess diaries? you're really weird if you haven't because i practically have that movie memorized. but anyway, there's this part at the very beginning where mia (anne hathaway) is sitting outside and someone almost sits on her. she goes to her friend and says to her friend, "someone sat on me again." i'd put a clip of that scene, but i don't feel like looking for one. so youtube away if you want to.

the other day, i was waiting outside of class with a bunch of other people. the class that uses the room before us was still in there so we were just hanging out in the hallway. i'm leaning against the wall when a guy comes and goes to lean on the wall directly where i'm leaning. as in, he leans on me. he notices pretty quick that he has not touched wall and jumps away. "omg i'm sorry," he says, laughing a little. "i didn't see you there."

uh, how do you not see a person leaning on the wall where you want to lean? he wasn't reading a book or looking at his phone or searching through his bag. he wasn't talking to anyone or checking the time. he just didn't see me. i suddenly knew how mia felt.

my younger sister can't decide whether to take it to mean than i'm so skinny i'm invisible or i'm so fat he mistook me for a wall. i'm open to your interpretations.

*You Don't See Me - Keane


  1. i know exactly the scene you're talking about.

    :/ i think it's not about body weight, i think he has the mind of a muggle.

  2. anonymous hippopotamusNovember 8, 2010 at 8:57 AM

    hish says he thinks the guy was trying to flirt with you... i just think you're a loser :P

  3. Next time stand with a pin in your hand. I'd love to see that! And oh yeah, I almost forgot, I totally agree with your sister, YOU ARE A LOSER! :) Just go with the flow and flirt back but feel free to kick him in the nuts if he comes any closer! Or (in a really corny context) gain weight and he'll keep leaning on you. You're bony so he backed off otherwise he'd be like 'man is it just me or has this wall gotten softer'? ;)

  4. R... lol 'the mind of a muggle' makes me laugh. i concur.

    anonymous hippopotamus... uh that could be put in the records as one of the worst ways to flirt with someone and i don't think that's what happened. and hey, maybe it means an unknown grandmother will come announce i'm a princess.

    Anonymous... if only i walked around with pins. and umm... i really don't think he was flirting so yeaaah. and lol haha.

  5. anonymous hippopotamusNovember 9, 2010 at 7:38 AM

    unknown grandmother...unfortunately both our grandmothers are known...keep dreaming :D
