Friday, March 27, 2009

Don't wake me up. I am still dreaming.

So i recently got into writing drabbles (don't know what a drabble is? Look over there <-- for a definition). They're perfect for when you're pressed on time, or have an idea but don't feel like really delving into it. Or when you want to develop a character or theme or scene a little more than you got a chance to while writing a longer story. Write them about anything.They're actually more challenging than they seem because you have to either pad or delete to get the right number of words.

She's on the verge of waking up, struggling to return to sleep. Because in sleep, there are dreams. Perfect worlds that can exist without question. Happily ever afters that really are happy. Story book endings for real people. Castles in the clouds and kingdoms under the sea. But to wake is to return to reality. Return to disappointments. Return to regrets. Where everything is just a crude imitation dressed up in gaudy fairytale robes. Where dreams that come true are really just nightmares we've resigned ourselves to. Ah to live a life always asleep. To never leave her dreams. Bliss.

*Don't Wake Me Up - The Hush Sound


  1. anonymous hippopotamusJune 7, 2011 at 4:50 PM

    ah to live life always asleep. to never leave her dreams. bliss.

    love it

  2. yeah, that would be pretty cool.
