Saturday, March 28, 2009

Tell me how anybody thinks under this condition

procrastination. i swear it's a freakin disease. i have so much crap to do and instead of doing it, i built a lamp post for the narnia party tomorrow. i'm playing 17 games of online scrabble and 4 of text twirl. i'm writing a blog that no one reads. i stared at my books for a while trying to decide which one to read before remembering i'm in the middle of two already. i went through the first 14 pages of digg. i sat on imdb for a bit. it's julia stiles's birthday. i sat on facebook. i went through random blogs. have you ever noticed how many of the blogs that come up when you hit next blog are not in english? a lot. i checked my bank accounts. twice.

i have this homework due tuesday. i have no idea how to solve it, but i cant start thinking about it cuz it's not due til tuesday. thats a million years from now. i have a field trip assignment powerpoint presentation due wednesday. i havent gone to the place yet (neither real or virtual option). but if tuesdays too far away, just imagine wednesday... i need to type up 4 pages of notes to send to my group members so we can type up a proposal for our business case for change. i have to start researching 3g and edge for one project. i have to start comparing ms word with open office writer for another. i need to pretend to be an investigator and write up a forensics report for another project. i havent even looked at the evidence or downloaded the analyzing software yet. *sigh*

*Dark Blue - Jack's Mannequin


  1. anonymous hippopotamusJune 7, 2011 at 4:37 PM

    :O i miss text twirl!

    thats a lot of stuff that needs to be done and a lot of stuff to procrastinate with. and lool at a blog that no one you have so many comments per post..granted a lot of them are from me :P

  2. lol yes. you are my number one commenter. i should give you a ribbon or something. and i tried playing text twirl the other day but it didnt work.
