Thursday, March 26, 2009

a play in the rain is worth catching cold

This weather has been crazy lately, one day everyone is in shorts and t-shirts and the next theyre hidden under puffy jackets, hats and scarfs. Today, it's raining. Personally, I like the rain. I'm kind of obsessed with all forms of weather. I love to walk in the rain - it's just really peaceful because everyone else is hiding like they're the the wicked witch of the west. But today, I can't enjoy it. One, because I'm dressed "professionally" for my class and I don't think dripping wet would be accepted as part of the dress code. Second, there's so much stuff i'm supposed to be doing right now that I really dont have the time. Not that I'm actually doing anything productive at the moment. *sigh*. School sucks. I can't wait for summer.

*Sooner or Later - Michael Tolcher


  1. anonymous hippopotamusJune 7, 2011 at 4:53 PM

    first of all:

    haha weird weather seems to be a theme..maybe its not the weather that's weird..maybe we are just too demanding of it.

  2. anonymous hippopotamusJune 7, 2011 at 4:54 PM now have a comment on every single blog post! :D

  3. omg i honestly can't believe you finished this. and whatever. the weather is weird.

  4. anonymous hippopotamusJune 7, 2011 at 4:56 PM

    loool neither can i...but congrats you are probably one of the only bloggers with comments on every post...and im not talking about bloggers who were popular and then started a blog.
