Tuesday, April 6, 2010

listen, do you want to know a secret?

so i think the last time i posted any formspring answers was a month ago, which may be because my formspring kind of died. feel free to revive it. anyway, here they are:

(Answer to the previous question) or water?

ice water.

(Answer to the previous question) or soft drink?
hmm if it's with a meal, then a soft drink, but i stopped sodas for a while and have just recently started redrinking them occasionally.

Tea or coffee?
tea at home, coffee out.

Is that your hand in the I write picture?
no i actually got that picture off of google.

If you could change one thing that happened last year what would it be?
i'm one of those people that wouldn't change anything at all that happened because of the whole butterfly effect and all that stuff. i dont know when i became like this, but i am. so to answer your question, nothing. i would change absolutely nothing.

Least favorite word?
rural, because i could never pronounce it and always feel stupid saying it.

Drown in a pool of chaotic love or solitary contentment?
hmmm... i think solitary contentment while reading about chaotic love.

If you could only watch one TV show what would it be?

What was your favorite birthday gift?
i actually always get awesome gifts (for whatever occasion) or maybe i'm just really easily pleased. the top ones that come to mind though are the gilmore girls series from my older sister and my ipods (mom and younger sister). but really, i dont think ive ever gotten a gift that i didnt really like. my sisters on the other hand, have gotten some hilarious crap from people.

Sneakers or sandals?
sneakers... and flip flops.

What did you eat for breakfast today?
frosted shredded wheat.

*Do You Wanna Know a Secret - The Beatles


  1. i think you posted these answers already... :S or else i read them on your formspring..

  2. you probly read them on my formspring because i checked before posting.
