Thursday, April 1, 2010

in my weird dreams

sometimes, my brain gets lazy and gives me plagiarized dreams. i'll dream about a book, movie, tv show, something that happened in real life, whatever. sometimes, my brain also gets confused about what happens in each book. for example, my dream last night was a crossover between harry potter and gone with the wind. you know the fake horcrux (the locket) with the note signed RAB? well, instead of being regulus who wrote that, it was rhett. yup, rhett butler the wizard. and he was spewing out his gwtw lines like no tomorrow. when he joined the death eaters (for the thrill of it, not because he was evil or anything) someone (i think mcgonagall?) says he's reputation will be destroyed. he replies with, "with enough courage, you can do without a reputation" or whatever he says in the movie. later, he decides that the whole killing-muggles-for-fun deal is really not his thing. his decision to quit is met by indignant outrage by the other death eaters who had believed he had truly believed in their cause. to this he responds, "i believe in rhett butler. he's the only cause i know."

*Weird Dreams - Seize


  1. I need to watch and read Gone With the Wind

  2. you really do. read it before you watch it, though.

  3. :O MAHA!!!! you are a disgrace to how can you have not read gone with the wind?! i am appalled!

  4. Is anonymous Hannah, Anisah, someone I know o_O? LOOL

    Yea, I am a disgrace to a the human race, sorry, I'll get on it soon ( months, ok a year)
