Monday, January 24, 2011

be patient i am getting to the point

today was the first day back at school. i get to campus early (and by that i mean 6:45 pm) and go to the bookstore to try to get the book i need for my monday class that i was supposed to order three weeks ago. the bookstore is located in the JC, which also holds the main food court, a library, a computer lab, and a bunch of couches and stuff. it's basically the main hangout for most people on campus. i get there during feeding time and mobs of hungry college students are not fun to navigate through, let me tell you that.

but this is not a post about my return to school for my last semester of master's as a full-time student. (next semester i'll only take one class.) this is one of the posts where i swamp you with links to things that caught my attention.

random off topic side note: sometimes i really wish i could just ctrl+f my room to find what i need. 

first, a link telling you when the best time to sleep is. you know the feeling when you wake up completely rested, realize you still have half an hour before you have to get up, go back to sleep, and wake up again feeling like you haven't slept in years? apparently that's because the first time you woke up was between sleep cycles and the second was in the middle of a sleep cycle. waking up mid-cycle makes you feel groggy and tired for the rest of the day. this site will tell you the optimal times for you to sleep so that your alarm will catch you between cycles.

second, with our wonderful generation of people that have the vocabulary of mimes, words are dying. people don't want to spell words with more than one letter and can barely manage to pronounce multi-syllable words as it is, so the more obscure words are falling right through the cracks of all the hearts that are breaking over our ignorance. what can you, awesome reader, do to help these poor words? well, you can mosey on over to here and adopt one to use regularly and return it to the common vocabulary. i did. actually, i adopted three. they sit there yelling "choose me!" "pick me!" "over here!" in these high voices that broke my heart because i knew the ones not picked were close to death, and even my sister couldn't narrow my list down to less than three. so my words are: vacivity (emptiness), cosmogyral (whirling round the universe), and sevidical (speaking cruel and harsh words). aren't they beautiful? let it be known that chrome does not recognize any of my words as belonging to the dictionary.

while scrolling through blogs of pretty things, the list of things that i don't need, would never use, but reallyreallyreally want has grown to include: a calendar that would let me look back and know my overall mood for every day of the year, pillow cases with stories on them (this actually looks like a really fun thing to make), a mini car jumper thing (if you only knew how many times we've all forgotten the lights of the car on in my family, you'd realize how useful this would be), lightbulb planters, a usb typewriter, an awesome recycled suitcase chair, a moleskine kindle cover, a mural on a wall papered by book pages (though i probably couldn't destroy a book), these old fashioned telephones, this office in a trunk, socks for chair legs, and this nesting bookcase (though my mind changes about this one from like to not like every time i look at it). i would put pictures but this post is already too long, and i'm too lazy.

also, if you like to write but can never manage to just sit down and do it, this is a kind of cool site. you basically go and write one page per day into it (just plain writing with no formatting or anything). you can write more if you want, and they'll send you gentle reminders if you miss a day. after a while, go back and read what you've written. it may just be the next great american novel.

oh, and have you noticed that it is still january? is it just me or have four months already passed this month?

*Spinning - Jack's Mannequin


  1. anonymous hippopotamusJanuary 26, 2011 at 1:10 AM

    sleeping thing totally awesome and useful

    word cool....and is it really our fault? i mean look even the internet doesn't recognize the how do you expect society that is entirely based on technology to recognize them???

    life calendar is kinda cool..the pillow, kinda pointless.
    mini porta jump...a must have for us..definitely...although my car loudly beeps when i leave the lights i hardly ever forget them on anymore. haha

    OMG! I want the usb typewriter...i think if i had it i would instantly become an amazing writer and write a classic :D doesn't it make you feel that way???

    the trunk/suitcase furniture or whatever is really ugly..sorry.

    kinde cover is whatever..but i love the paper a book wall. thats pretty cool..i'd probably just use one of the many college text books i never actually used and probably never will use. :D i have no problem ruining one of those books :D

    those telephones are old news...the trunk desk/office thingy is interesting..definitely a space saver. and you wouldn't have to clear the clutter just close the trunk and voila! clean room. haha

    i LOVE the socks for chair random and cute. I would totally get those. haha so funny!

    hmmm i dunno about the nesting bookcase...i dont love it but i dont hate it.. and at the same time i dont like it. :D i dont know how i feel about it.. i guess feelings at all.

    one page a day thing seems cool...but i'm not one to commit...soo i'd probably fail miserably and then end up feeling bad because i couldn't commit...and what do they mean by "gentle reminder"?? :S

    lastly what do you mean by "have four months already passed this month"?

  2. yes it is our fault because who do you think makes the technology? us. so if we're not allowing it to recognize these words, then it is completely our fault.

    and yeah the minivan beeps, too, which makes it easier for the parents to forget about the lights in the honda cause they're used to being reminded. i've only forgotten them once, and that was years ago so yeah.

    um ew who would want their wall covered with the pages of a computer manual which is basically what IT text books are but less interesting. imagine looking at your wall and reliving classes like msom with hughes. blech.

    i already failed miserably at the one page a day. i wrote for like three days and then kind of went online less. my tuesday night class is really boring so maybe i'll write seven pages every tuesday night to compensate. and the gentle reminder is an email from "gentle reminder" that says "this is a gentle reminder to write your page for the day."

    this month feels so incredibly long that it feels like four months have already passed since new year's. and there are still five days left until february.

  3. anonymous hippopotamusJanuary 26, 2011 at 11:08 AM

    ahaaa..i guess this month seems longer because a lot happened in it. It was definitely a busy month.. :D

    hmmm well maybe technology has gotten to the point where it thinks on its own..but we don't know yet, and its trying to turn us into illiterate people so that the takeover will be easier.. hahaha

    I wasn't thinking f IT books...more like my history books.. :D

    buuuut. usng the IT books would be helpful.. just use a wall in your office...that way you can solve any computer issues you might end up having..

  4. well, now you have something to amuse yourself with when you move. (i originally wrote die instead of move. i have no idea why.)i'll give you all your history books as a going-away present.
