Wednesday, January 19, 2011

while we're quietly losing control

have you guys heard about IBM's Watson, a new supercomputer designed to accurately mimic human thought? it is labeled as a "question answering machine" that can understand all the nuances of natural speech and come up with a simple answer. to test it out, they are pitting it against jeopardy champions in three jeopardy matches that will be aired sometime in february. jeopardy questions cover a vast array of topics. they deal with puns, metaphors, and slang. you have to buzz in quickly and think even quicker. all of these factors make it impossible for artificial intelligence computers that otherwise excel in things like chess, archery, or eating dead bodies for fuel. (click the links. enlighten yourselves.)

here is a video of a sample round played with the three contestants:

now, i don't know about you, but i think we might all end up ruing this very day. who cares about the zombie apocalypse or the world ending in 2012? so what if we're in a recession and there's never anything good on tv? we just created a computer so intelligent that it just might take control over the army of less smart but way more deadly robots we've already created. so go ahead, eat that extra donut, take that trip you always wanted, splurge on the ridiculously expensive pair of shoes. pretty soon, you may not have the chance.

also, you know all those unexplained mass animal deaths? i'm thinking it's time we take the robots in for questioning.

*I Will Play My Game Beneath the Spin Light - Brand New


  1. What about the robots they want to put in our bodies??? We're gonna be turned into Cybermen and delete everything

  2. yes, humanity and the world as we know it is coming to an end.

  3. This is very similar to something I was watching a while back called "transhumanism" (What Hannah has mentioned above. Screw the mayans, they did n't know what they were talking about. We still have Prophet Isa Or Jesus Christ to kick some anti-christ ass. :) Ruing about it, is probably the only option left for us until the day it backfires on them. Needless to say, they should have something to counter or over-power these computers from domination. This subject is ridiculously ambiguous in so many ways that I might even get killed along the way if I was to have any influence on my audience. In a nutshell, this is part of a bigger plan that can lead the "creators" of this abomination to world domination!

    Here's the link: (Disturbingly interesting) :)

  4. sounds interesting. i'll check out that link as soon as i get the chance.

  5. intelligent deathly robots remind me of the Terminator movies, we should watch our back, fo' real.

  6. backs*

    ugh, it's late, I apologize. But the ghetto slang was intended, cause that's how I do ~_~
