Tuesday, January 18, 2011

over the past two days i have written four blog posts. when it comes time to read over them for glaring mistakes, i get incredibly lazy and hit save instead of publish. sometimes, i get in moods when i just don't want to read anything i've written. even little blog posts.

i also noticed that when there are a lot of things going on in my life, i am less likely to blog. it's not because i don't have time (though there are times when i really may not) because i don't even like to share anything that's going through my head - thoughts, ideas, stories, etc - with people in real life. like in conversations or whatever. i think that when it gets crazy and people start crowding in on all sides, my head is the one place no one but me can go. so i retreat into it as a sort of refuge from people. inviting anyone in, even a little, would totally defeat the purpose of the walls i built to keep them out. of course, the fact that i have yawned three times in the past two minutes may just mean that this is tiredness's psychobabble being spewed across the internet. who knows?

there was no reason for the word also in the first sentence of the previous paragraph. i'm leaving it in anyway.

when i first started this blog a couple years back, i said "anyways." now i use "anyway," and "anyways" sortakinda grates on my nerves a bit. interesting, is it not?

i have also become obsessed with playing snake on youtube. i found it by accident a week or so ago and now, nothing makes me sadder than a video that loads without pausing right away. or the ending of a video when i am on a roll. that sucks too.

anyway, there is no point to this post. there are however more interesting (or you know... not) posts ready to be proofread and posted soon.


  1. everyone i know says anyways, which is probably why i used to say it. funny thing is, i have no problem when they say anyways. it's only when i say it/write it that it kills me.
