Friday, January 21, 2011

we think the same things at the same time

i have a friend that lives on the other side of the world. what with her rarely going online to do anything and me rarely calling people, we often lose touch with each other for stretches of time. but one of us will always initiate contact after a while and we can talk like we had just met up for lunch the day before. there's none of that awkward "wow so much time has passed there's really nothing to talk to you about" kind of stuff. anyway, i haven't spoken to the girl in months. i'm not sure exactly how long it was, but definitely before i graduated in the spring.

last night, she suddenly shows up in my dream. it was a weird dream that i only remember bits and parts of with us starting out at some warped version of my old high school and ending up at what i'm guessing is the airport in riyadh, though since i've never been there i wouldn't really know. i wake up and decide that i should email her. first i go do the brothers breakfast/get them on the bus morning ritual thing. then i watch tv in a tired daze till nine. i go online half an hour ago and guess who i have an email from? if you were guessing anyone other than my friend, well, then i really don't think you're getting the point here and maybe you should go read something else.

so i see the email from her, think haha weird, and open it. that's when it got really weird. you know what she said in the email? that i was in her dream so she decided to see what's been happening in my life. apparently in her dream we were at ISA (my old school) but decided to ditch and go to her house. not the house she used to live in here, though. no her house across the world. but when we got off the plane, we ended up just hanging around the airport. in riyadh. and is that not the weirdest thing you have ever heard?

it looks like me, in my bed here in virginia, and her, all the way on the other side of the world, had the same dream. or at least really, really similar ones. weird, right? but also kindasortareally cool. i don't think i've ever had the same dream as someone else. i didn't actually think it was possible. but who knows? maybe i'm dreaming the same things as you every night but since we never discussed our dreams we never knew? yeah, probably not.

*Harrowdown Hill - Thom Yorke


  1. i honestly feel that if i think about someone and miss them earnestly, they will feel it :)
    happened with you when i opened my fb specifically to write to you and found you had written to me. happens with me with texting all the time too

  2. anonymous hippopotamusJanuary 23, 2011 at 9:32 PM

    Angie and I had the same dream before...we both cam to school and started to tell each other our dreams and they were exactly the same and involved both of us... super weird!

  3. oh wow, that is by far the coolest thing I've heard all day, or possibly all week. also, the second to last line just feels so warm and nice.

  4. anonymous hippopotamus... really? i don't remember that, but totally cool. whatever happened to her by the way?

    mahoney... yay i am glad to supply you with something cool, warm, and nice :).

  5. One time a friend and I had the same dream, well sort of. In mine, he flew down with wings and told me to buy new shoes. In his, he just told me to buy new shoes. Awesome, nonetheless.

  6. haha psychoanalyzing the different ways you and your friend perceive him(self) would be so fun. and i guess according to the comments this is more common than i thought. really, really interesting anyway, i think.

  7. anonymous hippopotamusJanuary 26, 2011 at 12:38 AM

    yes really...i can't believe you dont remember..i taled about it for like a year after it happened.

    angie is good...shes still in saudi..shes engaged for now... she has been on and off engaged for 3 years now, and all with the same guy. so who knows.

  8. anonymous hippopotamusJanuary 26, 2011 at 11:28 AM

    no no...they ended a LOOOOONG time ago.. its a different dude but his name is also m7md.
