Tuesday, February 1, 2011

and then he says to me, "kill me now, kill me now, kill me now, kill me now."

today is february first. as in, january - the month that simply refused to end - has actually ended. now that it's done, though, i kind of think february came too fast. maybe january dragging on was a blessing in disguise. because now that it's ended, time will surely start to fly. and do you realize that in less than six months i will be married and how much that thought terrifies me?

but i am nothing if not a great avoider of things, so i just refuse to think about that at the moment and instead we'll talk about my tuesday night professor. though calling him boring is the understatement of the century, there are just no words strong enough to really convey the level of torture he can inflict on people by simply opening his mouth, and i don't really want to spend the entire post trying to create them. so, boring he is. well, that and completely clueless about what he's teaching. his inability to read from the slides correctly and the lack of knowledge he has about the subject he is teaching is baffling. really.

the only reason that the police weren't called in to investigate a mass suicide of eighteen students last week was that the class was given in a computer classroom. so while the dude at the front droned on about things no one cared about, we were all online doing whatever. yesterday, we get an email that the room has been changed. to a traditional classroom. with no computers. the change was ostensibly because the room we were in last week was too small. the fact that there were at least nine empty seats, though, leads me to believe that the professor just has a death wish.

what i think he doesn't realize is that, being a class full of IT students, most of us will probably still be online - or at least not paying attention - the entire class time because technology is here to save us from people like him by providing us with laptops, and smart phones, and in my case, a pen and notebook. if he wants someone to listen to him, there are plenty of psychologists around. or, you know, he could actually know what he's talking about. i've heard that helps. i spent a little of last week's class and waiting for my sister afterwards to try and do some writing because i haven't done much in a while. him changing classrooms just gives me three hours of writing time without the distraction of the internet. so joke's on him.

i was supposed to post one of the things i wrote last week, but i haven't gotten around to typing any of them up. whenever i get over my laziness, i'll get right on that.

*Under the Gun - The Killers


  1. lol scary? and if your name is a reference to gilmore girls then you're officially on my list of most awesome people.
