Friday, January 20, 2012

i don't wanna do this anymore

so i'm sitting in my living room having just finished reading about what my favorite disney film says about me (except they didn't have my favorite so i was really reading about what other disney movies say about the people that love them) and wondering what to do. i had already checked my mail, scrolled quickly through my facebook news feed, and finished the show that i had been watching in five minute intervals all week. the only thing i knew that i didn't want to do was write. i didn't want to blog. i didn't want to reply to emails. i didn't want to add anything to any of the stories that are hanging around my computer hard drive waiting for their plots to thicken.

and then i thought: this is wrong. i like(d?) to write, and i have barely written anything lately.

now, i'm not saying that i should constantly be writing or even wanting to write. i just feel like i'm starting to fall into a routine in which writing does not exist. and i want to revive it before i manage to completely kill it. once i get into a routine, it's really, really, really hard to change it. unless it involves becoming more lazy. my body is always ready to change for the worst. i want to not dread writing, though, as i have started to do. and so, when what i want to do least is write, i will write. even if it's pointless, even if it's short, even if it doesn't make sense, i'll write. it's my new philosophy. or something.

*Unfaithful - Rihanna


  1. anonymous hippopotamusJanuary 20, 2012 at 10:38 PM

    haha i don't think its very accurate. :D and you can tell he favors hercules and feels that it should be everyones favorite movie.

  2. lol yeah, i didn't say it was accurate. a few of them are pretty funny though.

  3. Why does Song of the South make you racist?? I love that film - though not my fave.. I don't have one favourite...

    And I know EXACTLY what you're talking about. I just scrapped three chapters that I "forced" myself to write even though I didn't want to.. because reading them over they were worse than stagnant dog shit... I get random bursts of writing want, but most of the time I have no desire to pick up the pen. I had to flush my fountain pen through this week as the ink had dried.... :(

  4. i don't actually remember that movie. i need to google it obviously, because i'm not sure i've ever seen it. does it have slavery in it? it sounds like it might.

    and i think "worse than stagnant dog shit" is going to be one of my new favorite phrases. sad about your pen... doesn't it sometimes feel like the bursts of writing want come at the worst times? and then when you actually do have time to write, you just don't feel like it. by the way, how's shattered coming along?

  5. anonymous hippopotamusJanuary 22, 2012 at 9:25 AM

    song of the south had the zip a dee doo dah zip a dee ay song. we never watched it..we just had that song on our sing a long tape.

  6. oh my goodness i did not know that came from a real movie. i must go watch it.

  7. It has never been released in full in the States... it's set after the abolition of slavery, thought the black people are still living on the plantations - they aren't slaves by this point. And people complain that they seem happy and what not, but they keep themselves happy and sing songs of their homeland...

    Is an AWESOME film and will hopefully come to the US eventually... is about 60 years old.

    And Shattered is moving... that's what I scrapped three chapters of. Not impressed by that... nd I want to write when I have the world to move and I don't want to write when I have bugger all to do :p

  8. I wouldn't say the film was racist as such.. some of the characters are racist, but it is historically accurate to the times, and people should accept that that is how it was back then

  9. haha typical us. though i've seen a bunch of other movies here both about slaves and about every time since then, so i dunno why that's not released. i agree that people need to accept that everything wasn't all sunshine and daisies all the time. like the censoring of huck finn. that killed me. i will definitely try and find this movie online, though. maybe ebay will be selling it?

  10. You can watch it online and search song of the south. The putlocker link is the whole film.

    And its apparently the language used etc... The language is as close as it gets to how they actually spoke and some members of the black community took offence at it... even though it's how it was

  11. which is exactly what happened with the adventures of huckleberry finn. people thought the characters spoke racistly (which they did since it was a time of racism) so they changed it recently to take out the racism, thus destroying the book, in my opinion. i'm in no way an advocate of racism, but at the same time i don't think that we should just try and hide the fact that this country was extremely racist once upon a time.

    thanks for the link :).

  12. We should accept what is a reality than try and hide or ignore it. It happened. Deal with it, and don't ruin a work of art
