Wednesday, March 31, 2010

been far away for far too long

i'd like to take a minute to apologize for how pathetic my blog has become lately. updates are infrequent and rarely entertaining but if you could just hold on until june when everything will have calmed down a lot then i would love you forever. it feels like things are crazy, but at the same time it seems like i'm never doing anything. except cleaning and dishes. i never knew there could be so many dishes to wash every minute of every day. i swear i think they're breeding.

it feels like whenever i do get a chance to sit down to blog it comes out a lot more whiny that i intended, and not liking to sound like a whiny brat, i delete the post instead of publishing it. so to keep the whinyness from rearing its ugly head, i will be making this post sound like it has ADD. keeping everything short and simple and whine-free.

first of all, i think if i never sleep on an air mattress again in my life, i'd be perfectly happy. or at least never sleep on one when someone else spends all day sitting on it and deflating it for me. and at least not one on the wrong side of the room, because that continues to disorient me every single day. anyways, plastic is bad right? (way to broadcast my ignorance across the internet.) that's why water bottles are using less of it in their bottles. so my future refusal of air mattresses can be some weird going green thing.

also, do you know how expensive it is to get an unbiased objective critique/edit of a manuscript?? very. it's ridiculous. prices range from around four hundred dollars to over three thousand depending on length and what services the editor offers. so if any of you readers are looking for a job, may i suggest becoming a freelance editor? pay is great, and you may stumble on the next great american novel in your work and say that you discovered it.

i also thought i'd mention that i'm not the biggest fan of the whole grad school thing, and i really should start on at least one of the four papers i have looming ahead of me in this last stretch of school. i just can't find the time, so procrastinating seems like such a good course of action. i know i'll regret this when i'm trying to write fifty plus pages in a couple of weeks, but that's still a while away. maybe if i fail out i'll become a freelance editor.

*Far Away - Nickelback


  1. anonymous hippopotamusJune 7, 2011 at 8:00 AM

    daddy's air mattress is crappy.. i think he bought it from the dollar store.. or maybe from the summer section and it's actually a raft for a swimming pool. i've seen air mattresses and they are not supposed to deflate the second you lay on it.

  2. no it's not. it just has a weight limit and the person sitting on it was over the weight limit.
