Thursday, March 25, 2010

it creeps me out... you're creeping me out

okay, so, like i said i would in the previous post, here are the latest moments with creepy dude. oh, and sorry to disappoint the people that like to hear about creeps, but these will probably be the last of him. from now on, i am planning to show up to class not a minute before it starts and continue to be the first out the door when it ends to avoid any unnecessary contact. anyway, on to the moments.

some of these really don't seem that bad, i know, but you have to see him with his sleaziness oozing out from every pore of his body to get the whole effect. something about that kid is just really, really creepy.

though i'm sure there were a bunch, i don't really remember everything from last week. he did change my nickname from sexy sarah to smiley face... because apparently i'm always smiling? considering the fact that i dont find too much amusing in a late-night auditing class, i'm assuming he means the you-seem-insane-so-i'm-smiling-to-keep-you-calm nervous smile that he sometimes gets out of me. he also let me know more than once that "he likes my face." not in the light joking way that some people say it, but more in a way that sounds like he is biting back the words "hanging on my wall" at the last minute like some crazy serial killer. (okay, maybe a little extreme but there's something ominous about him.)

then, i was the first one out of class last week, and as polite people do, i was holding the door open for whoever was behind me. i was already halfway down the hall practically, but had my arm stretched out to make sure the door didnt slam in whoever's face. i hadnt bothered to check who that was, because my mind was more concerned about getting to my car to get home asap. i feel someone's hand on mine, so assuming it was an accident, i go to move my hand off the door. only i cant. as i yank my hand away, i turn to see creepy dude (hereby known as CD) laughing. i give a slightly annoyed look and leave without saying anything.

last night, we were sitting in class. CD sits in the first row, and i sit a couple of rows behind him because i refuse to get closer though he won't stop badgering me about it. the professor is usually pretty late, so CD came and sat next to me. he was babbling about something as i doodled in my notebook (apparently he doesnt take hints). the professor walks in, so CD goes to move back to his chair. i sit at the end of the row so he had to go behind me to get to the aisle and his seat in the front. as i'm listening to the professor say something about the homework he was supposed to have graded for us, i feel him pat my upper arm twice and then graze his fingers across my back as he walked by. i almost jumped out of my seat. if you know me at all, you'd know that i am not someone who is big on physical contact. i dont like it. i shy away from all touches, even more so from some random guy. "don't touch me," i mutter, trying not to disturb the professor. he leans down and says quietly near my ear, "give me your number." written here in words, it sounds a lot less shudder-inducing than it really was.

anyway, he has sufficiently creeped me out enough for the rest of the semester. thank god he is not getting the same degree as me, and as long as i choose my other two electives carefully, i should never have to see him again.

*Creeps Me Out - Ima Robot


  1. yuck! it sounds even more shudder-inducing written down.

  2. Isn't that shit just plain wrong? Like, complain-about-harassment wrong? Sleazy little shitbag... I'd totally take a graduate-level auditing class to meet him and hit him in the face repeatedly.

  3. Anonymous... really? it was worse in person.

    The Flea... yes, it is. a few people have said to complain about sexual harassment. and lol thanks for the support. i'm sure that'll be a great response to the application question "why do you want to get your master's from mason?"

  4. I say kick him in the nuts and call it a day!

  5. Anonymous... lol that seems to be the general consensus.
