Thursday, March 11, 2010

delete, begin to rewrite me

after finishing sincerely, mr. nobody in november, i had this sudden wave of writing inspiration and confidence and a whole lot of sappy self-congratulating going on in my head. the tip of this iceberg was documented here in my blog. i was going to finish all the half-written things i had saved around my room in notebooks and computers. i had finished one thing, so i knew i could do it again. now, months down the line, a lot of that has disappeared.

it's not that i don't want to finish all the half-written stuff lying around, but it's more that i can't. for example, i thought i'd start out with evan's story. with sixty pages of it already typed out, it was the one that was closest to being done. it really only needed the filler parts to bridge between the scenes that i had wanted to write. problem is, i wrote most of this about four or five years ago, and while i had added a couple of scenes since then, i rarely went back to read what was already there. this time, i did. and oh my god is it some god-awful stuff. i love the characters and was pretty happy with the plot while i was writing it, but the writing is horrendous. this wasnt something that could be fixed by changing the wording of a sentence or two. this had to be torn down and torched and then rebuilt from scratch. i wasnt sure if i wanted to, or even could, do that. so i stopped. not only with that story, but kinda with all of them. you know, i lost my steam or whatever.

but he (evan) has been on my mind a lot lately, telling me not to ignore him. he was a really fun character to write, and i would love to continue his story (if i could ever find the time. probably in june). but i really don't think i can rewrite all of that. it is what it is. i'm thinking of maybe doing a sequel instead, but it wouldnt really be a sequel to anyone but me because no one else knows the first part exists. maybe i'll flashback to some of my favorite scenes in this story and rewrite parts that way. what do you think? (yes, i realize none of you needed to know this nor do you probably care, but that's the joy of being creator of this blog. i can write whatever i want.)

on a completely different note, yesterday was my nephew's first birthday. can i just say that time is moving entirely too fast for my liking?? how did an entire year already pass since he was born?

*Rewrite - Sia

1 comment:

  1. Its hard to comment from my phone...but I cant be bothered to take my laptop out. Neways I think the sequel idea is smart.

    And I think you should write a blog saying how sick my poor baby is... :(
