Wednesday, September 23, 2009

dress me up, make it tight, i'm your dolly

guess what we did in class today (a major guy class about information warfare by the way)?? whatever you're guessing you're probably wrong. unless you said play with barbies in which case you hit it straight on the nose. yup, barbies. jealous? you should be.

we had a barbie beauty pageant that ended in complete chaos. the pageant was taped and should be up on youtube pretty soon where you can go and see the fun for yourself.

why were we playing with barbies, you may ask?? it was part of our class project of course. the class is divided into groups which are each a made up country/organization. we have a wiki where we write a bunch of stuff and then do stuff in class like trade and make treaties and have barbie beauty pageants. my group is the RATS. we're the anarchists/terrorists that caused the chaos at the pageant. we had a rogue contestant that kidnapped another contestant with the help of the assistant and a security guard that were also on our side. then we said there was a bomb in the crown and escaped. yeah, we're awesome.

last week, the countries all dressed up their contestants. watching groups of guys choosing out evening wear and dressing barbie dolls was hilarious.

after playing barbies, normal more mundane school work is just unbearable (no, my limited attention span for 600 page articles on business theory have nothing to do with anything. it's ll the barbies).

on a completely unrelated note, i had a dream about this person that i havent seen or spoken to since i graduated high school forever ago. so i send a facebook message this morning, not expecting any reply and i get home and have a reply in my inbox. i was shocked, to say the least, and really happy for some reason (though that could just have been the high from the huge taco bell cup of root beer i drank).

*Barbie Girl - Aqua