Tuesday, September 29, 2009

hello world, this is me.

last semester for class we had to take the myers-briggs test (the personality quiz). we filled in pages of those little bubble answering sheets, sent our answers off to be analyzed, and then spent an entire class period doing activities and getting our results. this was back when my senior design class was fun. anyways, my result was the INTP (Introversion, iNtuition, Thinking, Perception).

i recently came across this site on another blog that had profiles of the different personality types. mine was scarily accurate... about most things. here are parts that i felt described me best:

INTP- The Wizard <- cool name. right??

"As children, INTPs are inwardly focused, often enjoying their own thoughts more than the company of others. They are full of questions, sometimes voiced, most often not."
i was so quiet as a kid that they seriously thought i was mentally challenged. it wasnt until halfway through first grade that they realized that i wasnt.

"It is the process, the quest, that has been most interesting to them. Once they have found the answer, they do not often share it because the answer is obvious, and documenting the obvious is redundant. This attitude includes a tendency not to response or speak up in groups, because the INTP feels that what he or she was going to say seems so obvious that no one would want to hear it."
that first sentence is me in a nutshell.

"They like being the architect of a plan, because of the scheming and thinking involved, far more than being the implementer of that plan. Implementation tends to be drudgery."
this kind of goes along with the previous statement, and is why i can never seem to finish anything.

"INTP's tend not to be writers."
this broke my heart. i know you're not supposed to let these things define you and blah blah blah, but this makes perfect sense. :(

"They prefer to work quietly, without interruption, and often alone."
uh... duh.

"If left to his or her own devices the INTP mate will retreat into the world of books and emerge only when physical needs become imperative."
this one made me laugh. i think ive already gotten there since college. apparently high school didnt "leave me to my own devices" as much.

"As a parent, the INTP is devoted; they enjoy children, and are serious about their upbringing. The home of an INTP parent is usually calm, low-key in discipline, but well run and ordered."
not yet a parent, but judging from my brothers and most little kids in general... i can see this.

the whole thing was a pretty interesting read...

*Hello World - Belle Perez


  1. i tend to get furious when they limit me to certain jobs. like 'as an isfj, your ideal field would include: actor, nurse... etc'. if they don't have something i want to do, i get irate and tend to disregard the rest of the information no matter how real it is.

  2. "INTP's tend not to be writers."

    thats total crap...you are an amazing writer...and i tend to prefer writing to speaking. lool only because i can organize my thoughts better and in turn make a lot more sense to other stupider people. lol

    "They prefer to work quietly, without interruption, and often alone."

    SOOO SOOOO SOOOO TRUE. if its not quiet i will kill whoever is making the noise, same goes for being interrupted.

  3. i read another one that said i could be a freelance writer so im happy now. if you read enough profiles then you'll find one that says a job you want. lool.

    and someone else, i know, right?? remind me to send you the other ones that i found that are so true.
