Sunday, September 6, 2009

these words are my diary, screaming out loud

i write this blog for myself. i mean, it's great that people read it and comments seriously make my life, but i write what i want to write, when i want to write, and how i want to write. i don't change any of that to gain popularity in the blogosphere.

that being said, when i noticed that two people stopped following my blog, my first reaction was ouch.

has my writing gotten so much worse/stupider than usual that you couldnt bear to see the updates pop up in your dashboard?? (sidenote: i hate writing the word bear. i can never remember if it's bear with me or bare with me. the english language can be so confusing.) but yeah, ouch.

moving on.

so i think i may have decided what i want to do with my life. for now. and it has nothing to do with computers or IT or anything i studied in college, though the business classes may come in handy. i think i might want to start my own publishing company. like a small one that puts out a handful of books a year. with a small group of friends/random strangers that become friends. there'll be an adjacent bookstore where we sell the books we publish and select others. no big names in our store though (no i'm not one of the people who thinks i'm too cool to read what everyone else is reading, but the random unknown authors will fit in with the atmosphere). we may barely break even, but that'll be okay. the setting will be a lot... cozier for lack of a better word than places like borders and barnes and noble. it will be nice.

*Breathe (2 am) - Anna Nalick


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. They had a bookstore like that in Milwaukee. It was fully devoted to crime novels. I can't say for sure whether most of the books were famous ones, but maybe 4-5 authors were hanging in the store at the time we were there... (one of them even went to our same elementary school in D.C.)

    Side note: I deleted the old Google account so my "follower" status probably evaporated with it. I read your blog more than the stuff I'm supposed to read :P

  3. Oh my goodness!
    Oh wow, I want to thank you for choosing something that has to do with your deovtion and love for books. I get happy when people choose to do something that they love, so I'm immensely happy because you're my friend and all the mushy gushy stuff

    And I can't wait till you start things up..I'm already planning to sit in a corner somewhere in your shop to cozy up to a book and hot chocolate on a cold winter day and a couple cool hipsters browsing books around me..heaven, I tell you

    !!! (Yes, I'm that excited for you lool)

  4. Count me into your group of literary buds :D
