Tuesday, September 22, 2009

i ignore it and it ignores me too

i have a quiz in exactly three hours and fourteen minutes. i have no idea what it's on, but im guessing it has something to do with marketing in the global economy because that's what class it's for. actually, i'm pretty sure that's the class. it might not be marketing. or global economy. it's some business class, i know that at least. and the book was the most expensive one this semester and i cant bring myself to look beyond the front cover. i havent even looked at the back cover. the professor drops the lowest quiz grade though (i think) so i'm pretty sure i'll be okay. and if not, oh well. i have more important classes to worry about procrastinating in. like ones in which a real world business is depending on my nonexistent technological skills to save the business... or just improve it. and i'm happy to say we are only like a week behind our professor's schedule (and three months ahead of ours).

back to the msom class. it's not really my fault that i have no idea what the class is about because, really, my professor does nothing but tell anecdotes for three hours straight. we're still on the first week's lecture even though we're now in week what? four? three? i'm not sure, but it's not one.

he's a cool guy though. he knows twelve languages fluently which makes me totally jealous. these include english, arabic, spanish, french, chinese, mandarin, japanese, korean, and i think german. and he like knows them knows them not four years of high school and you leave knowing how to say "hello, my name is sarah" knows them. and in the first class he referenced dorian grey which made him super cool in my eyes (he said he's a lot older than he looks because he has a picture of himself at home that ages instead of him just like his friend dorian. only a few people got it). and he's traveled everywhere in the world practically.

do you know that in japanese the verb is the very last word in the sentence? so you have to listen to the entire sentence to find out what's going on. according to him, this is why japanese people have so little regrets. they rarely do anything spontaneous. they think everything through before they jump into anything. the action is always the very last thing. in arabic, the verb is usually the first word in the sentence. i wonder what that says about arabs?

another thing we learned from him: never give a clock to anyone in china as a present. it's the most disrespectful thing you could do. the word clock means the end or something so giving one is tantamount to wishing the gift-receiver dead. watches are okay though... for guys. giving a woman a watch has something to do with prostitution and also shouldnt be done.

i dont want to study. *sigh* maybe if i ignore the fact that i have a quiz, it'll go away? i think it's worth a try.

*Failure by Design - Brand New


  1. I remember the clock story...the rest he never mentioned. but he is NOT fluent in all the languages...he just knows a few words.
