Thursday, January 28, 2010

breaking my back just to know your name

i really for the life of me cannot begin to understand the thoughts going through someone's head when they decide to go all cutesy-anonymous on facebook. and i'm assuming there is some sort of thinking involved in the decision, or my faith in the future of the human race will be completely shot to hell. why do people feel the need to put some stupid fake name instead of their own?? i'm not talking about nicknames or variations on your name or the added whatever in the middle or end of your name. i'm talking about the people who choose to call themselves stuff like "sweet kitty" (i just got a friend request by her... him?).

i dont get it.

what i dont get even more is how people get mad when i reject them when they're named that. especially when they have no pictures or anything. how the hell am i supposed to know who you are to add you?? i dont just add any creep who thinks we should be friends. not smart to do with arabs.

i used to just ignore these people without a second thought. but now... now these saudi children in my family are on facebook (which by the way i'm totally against) and i feel bad not adding them, but i dont know who them is. when they make three million accounts each and each account is a different made up name or cutesy thing or favorite character with made up genders, locations, ages, and everything... how am i supposed to know who to add and who to ignore?? and when i send a message asking, they get insulted. it's like, really??

so now i have to check mutual friends, ask around, try to remember who liked who and wanted to live where and decipher poorly written english just to find out the person's name. when did facebook get so complicated?? why cant you just write your name??

*Somebody Told Me -The Killers


  1. The title put a smile on my face.

  2. LOOL! *agrees*

    Me too, about the title.

  3. my brother tried to get facebook.
    i screamed and refused and made him delete it. did you know they add the girls school and they're friends as if they go to a mixed school??? wtfff they're like 10 wtf!!! what happened to decency.

  4. It (decency) flew out the window.

  5. Lujain and tooly... glad i could help with the smiles. that was the very first killers song i ever heard back in sophomore/junior year of high school. i really dont remember which but it was before i got my ipod cause i bought it on cd.

    R... yeah these younger kids are psycho. the girls i'm talking about in the post are nine. and even if theyre not adding the world, facebook has a lot of inappropriate things for kids their age and you cant censor anything. but i mean if their parents said okay i cant really go and say no get off facebook.

    Mahoney... yes it did.

  6. Kivansh Tatleuog is not 9... its mary.. :D

  7. huh?? not 9?? yeah i knew it was mary from what you wrote on her wall. it's her second account too though :/

  8. 9 years old.. whats her other account?

    and guess who has facebook??

    rana noor's sister added me on im looking thru her friends and i fine lujain. HAHAHAHA now thats unnecessary. :D at least mesu and lamoori know how to use a computer. haha

    oh and noor also has facebook... noor bitar.
