Friday, January 8, 2010

when you're gone

so my parents came back yesterday. you people (well, most of you) didnt know they had left, but they did. they were up in CT for a week because my grandma was sick. she's better now and they're back. i love my parents, what with them being my parents and raising me and all, and of course i missed them (i'm not really the type of person who misses people, but i suppose i did), but there were some perks to them being away.

things i miss from the last week:
*the freedom. sure, i didnt do much (someone had to babysit the two boys) but it was by choice. and when i did wanna do something i did it. without worrying about who would say what or anything.
*the totally chillaxed atmosphere of the house. there were more responsibilities, but somehow there was also less stress and tension.
*being "head of the house" and whatever i said went. there was no one of a higher rank to go against my word.
*my sister's constantly good mood... or mostly constant.
*not having to do the dishes (my sister took over that chore instead of splitting the days like we usually do).

things i dont miss from the last week:
*waking up at five every morning. that was not fun because i couldnt go back to sleep afterwards. i woke up at eight this morning, and it was heaven.
*carrying my phone with me everywhere. i'm not a big phone person and carrying it around the house in case something happened was slightly obnoxious.
*the fact that i couldnt blame anyone for messing up the oven when i just cleaned it besides myself.

i'm sure there's more for both lists, but i dont feel like thinking that hard, so let's just pretend that's it.

*When You're Gone - Avril Lavigne


  1. anonymous hippopotamusJune 7, 2011 at 8:17 AM

    i HATE dishes...and laundry.. i wish laundry would jump itself into the dryer...fold itself and put itself away. waaaaay too many steps. soo annoying!

  2. laundry: bane of my existence. dishes: not so much.
