Saturday, January 30, 2010

fox in the snow, where do you go

i am annoyed. not like spitting fire ready to bite heads off annoyed, but more gah thats so frustrating annoyed. i ordered something from amazon (read: a million things being sent in four shipments) and according to the tracking information, the first shipment arrived yesterday. only... it didnt. because i would know as i was asking everyone every two seconds if a package came or not. and my dad went out and looked around the house for it today in the all the snow. i was excited for the first shipment as it was the one that had nothing to do with school. and now i have to wait for the usps office to get back to me and let me know what they did with my stuff. grr.

random side note: i was looking out the window today at the snow falling and the neighborhood looking all white and pretty and a fox appears out of nowhere. a pretty red fox that i fell in love with. and he completely perfected the storybook scene in my head. perfected it. of course, then he ran off towards the neighborhood gazebo and disappeared from view, but it was perfect while it lasted.

also: i have finally decided to read the mists of avalon. i was obsessed with medieval times at one point of my childhood, and my mom eventually gave me her copy of this book and said that she loved it and i should read it. i never did. partly because the back of the book made it sound all pro-feminism down with males and i didnt want it to spoil my view of the knights (my mom told me it wasnt like that though) but mainly because it was an awkward size. it's really big and then thick too so it's hard to carry it around and stuff. but i figure i'm at home a lot more now so i wont have to carry it anywhere.

*Fox in the Snow - Belle and Sebastian


  1. anonymous hippopotamusJune 7, 2011 at 8:06 AM

    did u read mists of avalon?? was it good?? bring it this summer.

  2. no i actually didn't. i started and mommy kept telling me that i wasn't going to like it and to just not bother and it got kinda annoying so i stopped. i plan on starting it again eventually.
