Wednesday, June 23, 2010

i really am so stupid

there are times when my stupidity just astounds me.

a couple of weeks ago i couldn't do anything because of a herniated disk in my lower back. i could barely walk or move and i couldn't sit at all. the only time it didn't hurt was when i was laying on my stomach and the second i got up it would go back to torturing me for not taking better care of myself or something. anyway, i went a few days really doing nothing and then spent a couple more slowly easing back into normal stuff. if i sat for too long or twisted the wrong way, it would hurt, but for the most part it was pretty much better. or at least not hurting anymore. i was happy.

today, i finish packing my bag. i didn't particularly feel like moving on to the next thing on my to-do list so i thought that i'd weigh my bag just to see if it was too heavy even though i knew it wasnt. so i go to pick up my suitcase and my back gives me a warning. i ignore it and take it to the scale. halfway back from the scale my back decides that it's had enough and i can barely stand.

now, i am back to stage one. i can't sit, i can barely walk, and i cant turn without shooting pains. guess who has a twelve hour airplane ride to sit through day after tomorrow?

so yeah, my stupidity astounds me.

*I Am So Stupid - Shakira


  1. it's so true! you ARE a stupid ass with a broken back. but hey check out the bright side, even stupid people like you have good luck. enjoy in saudi! bye :(

  2. anonymous hippopotamusJune 24, 2010 at 2:11 PM

    I cannot believe you thought I wrote that comment!!! I do not speak FOB english...god!

  3. FOB english? that's a first!

  4. anonymous hippopotamusJune 25, 2010 at 5:15 PM

    well then obviously you haven't spoken English in public that often.

    and just for proof... no one says check out the bright side...its look on the bright side.

    and what the hell does enjoy in saudi even mean?!

    once again.. FOB.
