Saturday, June 12, 2010

well, i think you're crazy

i know that part of being an IT student is getting ridiculously excited when new tech stuff comes out, and i know that i have failed miserably in that respect in the past (okay so there were a few moments when my IT geekiness was in fine form, but i'm just going to look over those for now). this is not a post where i will redeem myself. sometimes, i feel like tech companies are just throwing stuff out there just for the sake of throwing stuff out there. for example, the sony dash personal internet viewer. sounds pretty cool from the name, right? well, it's not. and anyone who tries to tell you differently is obviously either brainwashed or extremely unstable. so run away from them.

what is a personal internet viewer, you may ask? well, an alarm clock with apps of course! i'm not going to get into all of the details about it, but let's suffice it to say that they put linux on an alarm clock so that you can "browse the internet without being tethered to your pc."

first of all, with everything else on the market, i dont think there are many people who are "tethered to their pc" when they want internet. second of all, it doesnt have a battery (though they say future versions will) so you're basically tethered to a wall. third, there's no browser which seems like an important part of an internet viewer and apparently the apps are limited.

it is basically a way that you can check stuff like your email and facebook first thing in the morning (literally) without having to wait for your computer to start up or your phone to be picked up. and if you are that desperate to know what has happened on facebook in the few hours you were asleep, well, i think you have problems. instead of buying a sony dash maybe you should check into some sort of rehab because that is not healthy.

do we need internet on our alarm clocks? no. does that stop people from buying it? no. and what do the people who buy it and realize how stupid it is do? they try and get their friends to buy it so they don't feel so stupid, of course.

what brought on this sudden hatred for sony alarm clocks? well, i was making fun of the commercial for them last night with my sister. this morning, i wake up to a facebook message from an obviously delusional friend who thinks i should buy one. no thanks.

*Crazy - Gnarls Barkley


  1. anonymous hippopotamusJune 7, 2011 at 7:45 AM

    lol i could see you with a sony dash personal internet viewer.. :P
