Friday, June 25, 2010

okay, people, so i really don't have time to write a real post because i have a million things to do and we're going to check the luggage in a couple of hours. yay for procrastinating. anyway, like last year, i'm not sure how the internet situation will be, but i'm pretty sure i'll have some since families are building houses and filling up the empty lots around us. and they usually have internet and rarely secure it. 

this is just a warning in case i don't have for some reason that it may be a while before i blog again. if you're a recent follower, go back and read the first blog posts, catch up on anything missed (you know, if you want to.). if you've been here from the beginning, go back anyway. i don't remember what i wrote, but you may find something interesting in there. look in my side bar for all the labels for easy browsing. 

hopefully next time i talk to you will be from the other side of the world. 


  1. anonymous hippopotamusJune 25, 2010 at 5:20 PM

    bad grammar...or maybe just confusing.

    i miss you guys! :'(

  2. Have a safe trip! I'll be on your side in a few weeks : )

  3. anon hippo... what part exactly is bad grammar? i wrote it in a rush so there may be something, but i don't feel like going checking and fixing. and yeah we all miss hamza. and you too i guess.

    The Flea... bye ash! even though you said some really mean things to me before i left and i still cry myself to sleep every night, i appreciate the sentiment.

    tooly... thank you! enjoy it!

  4. anonymous hippopotamusJune 27, 2010 at 11:10 PM

    i heard about abood crying.. :D i didn't think he would miss hamza that much! :D kinda sweet :)

  5. i'm glad that my brother having a freakin meltdown gives you such a big smile :/

  6. I did not say mean things! This may be a case of being tricked once again by you and Anisah, but she was telling you the exact opposite of what I was saying on the phone.

  7. And hush, you do NOT cry yourself to sleep. I've been tricked yet again, this time from the other side of the world!
