Friday, July 2, 2010

hello! hello! it's good to be back... did you miss me while i was away?

my blog has been suffering from neglect lately, and today it has decided to let me know that it has had enough. when we first got here (a week ago tomorrow) of course one of the first things i did was to check if there were any internet connections in my room because i am an addict. i have come to terms with that. five connections popped up and i sent out a silent thanks to my neighbors. that thanks was promptly taken back when i realized that they were all secured. all of them. maybe they read my blog and knew i was planning on stealing their connection?? i dunno, but i was not happy. my second day here, i got desperate and walked around my room with junior (my netbook who i brought with me instead of joe). i found that if i stood by my window tilted at a certain angle with my computer held out at arm's length at shoulder level, then i could just get an unsecured connection. of course, it was super weak and kept disconnecting, but it was internet. (you have my permission to pity, mock, and ridicule me.) by the third day, junior felt sorry for me enough to get the shaky connection on my bed. but with it disconnecting every second and a half, i just did not feel up to suffering through hours of loading blogger and then waiting for a post to be published. a couple of days ago, we got internet connection. suddenly, i was connected to the world again. awesome feeling. and yet, i didnt sign in to blogger to post anything new. that is not to say there was nothing to post. when we got a flat tire and my dad thought he could still take us all in the car and get us to our cousins' before fixing it which ended up in us pulled over on the side of the road and my dad and cousin lifting up the car with the jack thing with all of us still in it, i was dying to blog. but the second i could, i didnt.

today, i turned on junior and opened chrome. but instead of google popping up as usual, blogger did. and blogger is not my chrome homepage on junior. so i took that as a call from my blog to stop ignoring it. and here i am. pointless post, kinda, except that now you can all rest easy knowing that i've gotten here safely, because i know you were worried. you can also relax and know that i will not be going on a two month hiatus. expect new, insightful, and entertaining posts in the next few days. or, at least new ones.

oh, and the spare tire they struggled to get on the car (if you have seen how men dress here you will realize why it was a struggle) was flat too.

*Hello! Hello! - Gary Glitter


  1. Welcome home! In more ways than one ;)

  2. anonymous hippopotamusJuly 3, 2010 at 9:44 PM

    that picture of how men dress is scary as hell..why do they have a freaking hockey mask instead of a solid face? creepy.

    and yes this was a very pointless blog. you wasted 5 minutes of my life. instead of posting this pointless blog you could have posted a blog all about the flat the whole story not a side note, and made the story about internet connection the side note.

    GOD! and i was soooo excited to have a new post. way to disappoint! ufff :P

  3. tooly... thank you! :)

    anonymous hippopotamus... yeah i know but it was the only picture i could find, so yeah. and this was originally supposed to be a post about the flat tire story cause it was hilarious but by the time i got to it this thing was already too long.

  4. Nothing's too long... you've seen the length of some of my posts :p
