i'm the kind of girl that will poke a bruise to see if it still hurts. if i have a toothache, you can bet that my tongue will be pushing at it every two seconds, just to feel the dull throb again. so it shouldn't come as a big surprise that sometimes, i like to wallow in a bad mood. i like to sink deeper and deeper into my misery and just let it swallow me whole. i like to give myself into it completely, the hopelessness and despair. i'll watch certain shows and movies, read certain books and poems, listen to a certain playlist of songs. probably not the smartest thing to do, but it's what i do. recently, i have taken to rewatching season 4 of skins. i wasnt able to watch it as it was aired a few months ago because of cousins who didnt want to watch it and me not finding time for it. but in a way, i'm glad i didnt watch it then when i wanted to because it is such a perfect way to wallow right now.
on a completely different note, i think the desert is absolutely gorgeous and will argue to the death with people who say that beauty in nature can only be found in all things green. because really, the soft slopes of sand dunes and the jagged outline of rocky mountains, the yellowish-greens and browny-reds of desert shrubs, the ripples in the golden sand that go on forever... they have as much beauty in them as anything else. when we were driving back from madinah the other day, there was so much dust in the air (wind + not a lot of plants = common sandstorms and things of that nature) that things in the distance just seemed to fade into nothingness. the mountains were barely visible and they seemed like they could just disappear at a moment's notice, all magically or mystically or whatever. actually, they kinda reminded me of the mountain in The Lie. i dont have the book on me and i can't exactly remember the name of the mountain but it had magical properties or something and almost seemed transparent depending on how the light hit it. that's what these mountains seemed to be, transparent and magical.
*No Children - The Mountain Goats
i agree with you about the desert beauty... green is so overrated!
ReplyDeletei'm bored, nauseous, tired, and mainly bored.
I'm that sort of girl.... Do you pick at scabs as well????
ReplyDeleteAnd you're comparing them to the beloved Mount Zircon. Lol. I'm intrigued. I keep seeing that mountain in my mind like some monster telling me to write :p I can't imagine it ever existing. The reason I am hesitant about ever wanting it to go to film should the option arise. I need the image to be perfect.
anonymous hippopotamus... green is pretty too, but i hate how people assume it's the only pretty.
ReplyDeleteand i am all of the above too, but mainly nauseous. it seems like this summer vacation was a total bust... for all of us.
Hannah... i knew it started with a z but i kept thinking mount zephyr and knew that wasnt it. and in my head, i see your mountain with more on it than just rocks, but the barely visibleness reminded me of it. and yeah that's usually the worst thing about books going to movies: you'll have some fantastic magical image of something in your head and then you see it on screen and all sense of magic has been sucked out of it to make it real and suddenly everything in the story is just a crude imitation of what it was in you mind.
I know what you meant... I haven't seen anything like it... would be nice to see some barely visible mountains.
ReplyDeleteAnd it really sucks.... If that corner ever comes, I'll be asking my readers first :p Hate authors who just sign it all off