Wednesday, July 14, 2010

i'm driving in my car

i remember reading Tex in sixth grade while a friend and I were in the middle of our SE Hinton phase. there was one part in the book when tex and mace are driving to town and tex asks his brother if he ever wonders about the story of everyone else on the road. every other driver is going somewhere and to them, it's a hundred times more important than where mace and tex are going. mace, who has way too many responsibilities for a kid his age, is suffering from an ulcer and basically says tex is stupid.

ever since i read that a million years ago, i can't help but think of everyone's stories when i'm on the road. sure, they're all made up, and most of the time are probably really really far from the truth, but i still do it. i divorce some people and widow others. i make some fall in love and others fall out of it. i make people desperate and excited and tired. i give them long distance relationships and guilty secrets and business trips. i make dreams come true and hopes shatter. i create traffic jams and strings of nights sleeping in clothes on motel beds. people become pilots and CEOs and liars. they go out for diapers and never come back. they stop for milk and find the love of their life. no matter how uninspired i'm feeling, the minute i get into a car, my mind is able to think up a million and one scenarios from a quick glance in a car.

random note: there are a bunch of emails sitting in my inbox waiting for replies. if you are the sender of one of these emails, know that i'm not ignoring you i just don't have the time/brainpower to answer right now. but i will try to eventually.

*Fire - Bruce Springsteen


  1. anonymous hippopotamusJuly 14, 2010 at 3:09 PM

    ohh yaaa but you have the time to write a blog...psssht!

    haha i do the same thing...but it goes beyond cars to just seeing a random person in an airport. My reason for doing it though is because of Starring Sally J. Freedman as Herself by Judy Blume. Favorite book ever...I really should buy that book for myself.

  2. blogging is easier and faster and one post goes out to everyone while emails need tobe personalized.

    omg i remember that book! we have a copy of it in the attic if it wasnt given away. actually, i kinda remember having two copies. i dont really remember much of what happened in it though. definitely a book to reread.

  3. anonymous hippopotamusJuly 17, 2010 at 9:06 AM

    so did have a copy if it? i thought i did...

  4. anonymous hippopotamusJuly 18, 2010 at 12:12 AM

    i'm soooooooo BORED! and the internet has become boring and useless...

  5. Gaaaaay

    Make them all gay like this post. The world would be a happier place with more gays.

  6. In writing, we are gods... we create the worlds and we manipulate them as we see fit... The pen truly is mightier than the sword ^^

    Btw.. Can I ask peoples to sponsor me?? Am running 10k for charity... another thing taking up my time: TRAINING ><

  7. Annie... you're just bitter because the first time i saw you i thought you were a guy and wrote your story out as such.

    Hannah... i agree :) and good luck with the training!

  8. Thanks ^^ And thank you so much for the donation... I feel really mean now. That's a fantastic amount... *feels guilty*

  9. you're welcome :) and aww don't feel guilty. it's for a really good cause. plus, think of it as the money i saved from winning a copy of darkness instead of buying it lol.
