books are my escape. i have had major crushes on book characters, and i have hated characters with an unhealthy passion considering they're fictional. i have been to places that i could never even hope to dream up alone. whenever i get sick of reality, books hold fictional havens for me to escape to.

i envy writers, even the worst of them. not a petty jealousy, but more of an envious admiration. they had the intelligence, the creativity, the wit, the perservence, the guts to create these other worlds and characters so believable you can almost forget that they aren't real and put them out there for the world to love or hate. my biggest dream, as i'm sure you're all sick of reading about by now, is to hold a newly printed book in my hand with my name embossed on the spine as the author. my absolute fear of failure pretty much puts a stop to that dream, though. i think that fear also inspires some of my love for books. because, unlike with people, you can never fail a book. you can never not be enough or disappoint. the characters pour out their hearts and souls, the book tells you their complete life stories, and you don't have to share anything. sharing stuff is not something i do often... or ever. so it works out great.
*All Hail the Heartbreaker - The Spill Canvas
ReplyDeleteand yeah, books are my best friends too.
characters i've loved, some lusted: sirius black, obviously; artemis fowl's butler; captain wentworth from persuasion and all the leading men in jane austen novels; edmund from narnia; cadvan from the naming. laurie from little women. huck finn. david balfour from kidnapped. gulliver from gulliver's travels. basil from picture of dorian grey. david copperfield 7abeeby. ATTICUS FROM TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD. dr. jeckyl and hyde both rocked my world. everyone in the lord of the rings minus haldir. phinneus from a separate peace. and hundreds more that i can't remember now.
and ones i abhorred: everyone in wuthering heights... despise them with a burning passion. twilight characters, duh. dumbledore and snape. roran from eragon. jo from little women. romeo and juliet. amir from the kite runner. EVERYONE ON ATLAS SHRUGGED DAMN THAT BOOK. ew the main guy from love in the time of cholera... ew. robert langston from da vinci code. EVERYONE IN WICKED except for young ephalba. emma from emma. frankenstein the scientist. the damn count of monte cristo who was way cooler in the movie. jane eyre. the priest guy from the scarlet letter i forgot his name. EW THE PERVERT FROM LOLITA. the cheshire cat... stupid creep. anna karenina the slut. GATSBY... useless puffed up nonsense. the girl from brave new world, i think it was lenina. EVERYONE IN LORD OF THE FLIES. everyone in atonement, hated them, hated them especially briony and the main guy, robbie i think is his name.
ew. atonement. ew.
ReplyDeleteew robbie. ew briony. ew all of them.
right beside atlas shrugged, twilight and wuthering heights, it was one of the worst books i ever had the misfortune of reading
i wasnt too fond of amy in little women, she was such a brat. i've never read atlas shrugged but you made me want to from how much you hate it. any book that generates that passionate a reaction deserves to be read lol. omg frankenstein the scientist yess. amir definitely. and jane eyre too thank you. i like the book but cant stand her. she's such a washed out character. atonement wasn't thaaat bad. definitely not up there with the best books, but not with my worst either. and i think im one of the few people that didnt hate wuthering heights, too.
ReplyDeleteand omg i completely forgot phinneus, but i used to love him. i think i fall in love with characters way too often so my list would be hundreds of characters long, but i havta add rhett butler and mr darcy to your list off the top of my head.
and about the title.. i know, right?? i got reobsessed with the song since i've been reading the story.