Monday, June 22, 2009

so superficial, so immature

facebook seems to enjoy making me angry by broadcasting people's stupidity. the latest thing facebook people do to annoy me: putting something cryptic as their status and then pretending to get annoyed when people comment on it.

if you don't want people to know about something, then putting it as your facebook status is obviously the best idea to come around since sliced bread. because, when you have to click 'share' to post it, that obviously means that no one will ever read it. right? i doubt anyone is that stupid, which leaves them with being a more pathetic kind of stupid. they put something like "the you-know-what with you-know-who is happening you-know-where at you-know-when" to get people to ask for the who, what, where, and when. and then, when people do ask, because when you're bored on facebook that's just what you do, they start in with the omg you guys are so nosy it's none of your business comments, which usually end up with them saying how they're going to just delete the status to ward off the questions. of course, by then, all of the attention has them feeling like all that and a bag of chips, so it's work is done.

so here's my suggestion: when they resort to such thinly veiled attention seeking attempts, ignore them. don't ask for a clarification. don't act curious or interested. just let them sit there staring at the status waiting for comments as they wonder why and when they became so unloved. deflating their ego is perhaps the best thing you can do for them.

be a good person. ignore someone.

*High School Never Ends - Bowling for Soup


  1. Damn. That is the coolest advice ever in the history of advice. I like.

  2. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL that last paragraph just cracked me up...especially the last sentence... be a good person.ignore someone.. hahahaha

  3. I don't even know where to start with facebook. It is funny to see people post their whole lives on faebook and then when people comment they get all defensive but my advice it is called the world wide web for reason. Please have a understanding of what that means.

  4. Rashad and Hannah... thanks! :)

    cskaggs... lol exactly :)
