one of the blogs i read, The Secret Life of Tova Darling, has this thing called Totally Awkward Tuesday, where she (and whoever wants to participate) writes an awkward story that happened to them. though i could swear that 93% of my entire life has consisted of awkward moments, i could never think of one to write on the spot. my cousin reminded me of this by talking about the embarrassment of falling down in public.
i went to a private girls' high school, but the boys were just on the other side of some green doors and would sometimes mix in with us - buses, assemblies, and occassionally classes. my ap bio lab junior year was 'mixed.' though calling it that is a bit of a stretch as there was really only one boy in ap bio (the reason it made sense to mix the labs). i have pretty much succeeded in blocking this guy out of my memory because of a few embarrassing moments concerning him, but i'm pretty sure he was your typical nerd. and i'm pretty sure he wasnt a big fan of the rest of us for some reason (we once brought him a free smoothie from a smoothie sale we did to be nice... he didnt drink it and threw it away at the end of class :/).
anyways, our classroom had two long tables that we all sat at on bar stools, the three legged backless ones with the rung thingie at the bottom. there were cabinets along the sides of the tables that held bio and ap bio books. i sat right behind one of the ap bio book cabinets.

the basic layout of the classroom. circles are the other students.
so one day, about halfway through class, our teacher says to get out our books and look at something on page whatever. i had the books for our table so i pass one to my friend in front of me, put one in front of myself, and then went to hand one to the guy. for some reason, he wasnt feeling particularly helpful, so i had to stand up to reach over the table to put it in front of him. unfortunately, my foot had been resting on the rung thingie on the stool and when i tried to stand up. it got stuck, and i wound up sprawled across the table looking up at the face the guy was trying to keep straight. ive always been a big blusher, so of course my face was tomato red and burning. i practically jumped up off the table and scrambled back into my seat, hoping for the floor to open and swallow me up.
thankfully, the teacher hadnt noticed anything and was still explaining, so i could only hope everyone was listening to her. i sat at the back of the room, so the chances of anyone having seen my fall was slim. i glance around casually, just to make sure, and at the far side of the room i see my friends dying of silent laughter.
even the people who didnt see me fall were still talking about it when i graduated.
*Falling Over Me - Demi Lovato
BEST. MOMENT. OF AP BIO. hands down. i love you.
Oh my! That's pretty funny.