Wednesday, July 8, 2009

that's what it's all about

the other day, i did the hokie-pokie with my cousin's children. well, mostly his daughter (5). his son (2) does parts, but thinks when we put our foot in, we're kicking each other so he runs around kicking us. :/

anyways, she is obsessed. from the minute i see her we are putting our right hands in and our left feet out and doing the hokie-pokie cause really, that's what it's all about. only she calls it the hokie-bokie-bokie. and i am so hokie-pokied out it is not funny. but she's so cute when she does it that i can't help but do it again whenever she asks.

*The Hokie-Pokie


  1. anonymous hippopotamusJune 7, 2011 at 9:34 AM

    hokie bokie and i like zeyad's version of kicking everyone. i'd teach it to hamza but i don't want him getting in trouble in kindergarten. lol

  2. lool yeah. the hokie pokie is amazing exercise, btw.
