Tuesday, August 11, 2009

and it's beginning to get to me

remember a couple days ago when i said i had blogger's block?? understatement of the year. it's more like thinker's block.

i think the strain of the summer is beginning to get to me. yes, the summer is a bigger strain than the rest of the year. theres just so much to do and so little of it can be blown off. in the beginning, i gave up getting enough sleep as i couldnt give up anything else. my body is getting back at me. to make up for the lost sleep, it has given up thoughts. of any kind. all thoughts. big. small. pointless. important. they dont exist for me anymore.

creativity is a distant memory.

i'm trying to help my cousin write a personal statement for a grad school application. i edited her husband's statement in ten minutes, and it was awesome. but that was in the beginning of the summer. with hers, the information is all there. it's typed up in word, sized and double-spaced. but it's dry. it's boring. it's a laundry list of facts. and i cant do anything about it. i cant spice it up. i cant make it flow. i cant make her jump off the page. if i was in the admissions office, i probably wouldnt even get through the whole thing before moving on to the next applicant.

i need my thoughts. i need my concentration. i need summer to be over. i may not want it, but i need it.

*It's Beginning to Get to Me - Snow Patrol

1 comment:

  1. same here. i really have nothing interesting to say. nothing new.
