Wednesday, August 19, 2009

living is easy with eyes closed

the nigerian prince zawababafufunene has 36 million dollars that he is waiting to put in YOUR bank account!

sound familiar??

i think almost everyone has seen some variety of this scam. the person changes, the amount of money changes, but the idea is always the same. i want to give you a bunch of money but you have to pay me and give me access to your bank account first. and in the face of 36 million dollars, what's two thousand?? at least that's what is probably going through the minds of all the people that fall for this.

my grandmother fell for a similar scam recently... or would have if my mom hadnt stepped in with the harsh voice of reality. a bunch of my cousins were also a hair away from falling for it and got pretty far in the communicating back and forth before they began to see some fishiness in the scheme.

maybe i'm just a really cynical pessimist and ready to see the worst in every situation, but i could never understand how anyone could believe in this. someone you have never met has millions of dollars and wants to give it all to you? practically for free? i mean, really?

life must be great when you can close your eyes to everything that makes me doubt that scenario. when you can trust the goodness and generosity of people to that degree. when you believe that there are people out there that want nothing more than to share their great fortunes with you. when life is like the tv movie of the week.

*Strawberry Fields Forever - The Beatles


  1. anonymous hippopotamusJune 7, 2011 at 9:15 AM

    hahaha i remember this...the older i get the more i realize grandma is one of those white people who believe everything said in the news and is basically the person i always make fun of.

  2. i know! i kinda feel bad for her, but i mean, how can you seriously be that gullible?
