Tuesday, August 25, 2009

been to the bottom of every bottle

my sister and i were at the convenience store thing near A's house where she wanted to get gum. we of course looked around and ended up buying way more than gum (come to think of it, i dont think she even got the gum). anyways, we ended up buying energy drinks - the four brands the store had that we hadnt tried (when we got home there was a debate about there having been a fifth one that we didnt get, but i dont think it existed) to see which one was better. we bought bison, code red, boom boom, and bugzy. the store also had red bull. i'm not a fan of red bull at all... or most energy drinks for that matter, but i had heard some raving reviews about bison (a saudi energy drink) and thought it was worth a try.

after careful consideration, the three of us decided on the following verdict: bugzy, code red, bison, boom boom. the best drink i had tonight though was a non-alcoholic beer - pomegranate, my preferred flavor. i cant go into that store without buying one.

bugzy and code red had a silmilar taste that my sister said was cherry flavor, but bugzy had less of that defined energy drink taste so it won first place. boom boom was just awful. i wouldnt recommend it to anyone. it tastes fine at first, but wait a minute or so and you get this heinous after taste, like really really strong bad cough medicine. bleh. my cousin ended up pouring most of hers down the kitchen sink. bison was the last one we tasted - right after boom boom. the fact that we could still taste the boom boom might have affected the way it tasted to us. we debated putting it in second place, but in the end decided that, at the time, code red was better.

*How You Remind Me - Nickelback

1 comment:

  1. i did not like the pomegranate...it was way to sweet. my favorite is now strawberry because it has a balance between sweet and bitter. and of course i still love the apple.

    the mango isn't too bad though either..but its nothing special.
