Tuesday, August 4, 2009

haven't you people ever heard of closing the god damn door?

i have had blogger's block recently. actually, it's more like extreme laziness mixed with bad internet connection and a case of ADD. but while reading Tova's Totally Awkward Tuesday (in the living room where connection actually exists) i thought of a couple more of my own awkward moments.

this one happened when i was ten i think. i actually have no idea, but it was around that time. we used to sleep over at K and A's the entire summer. their home was and still is like an extension of our own. we were never considered guests and would basically go about the house as if we owned the place. they lived in two apartments which were connected through a bedroom which ended up as more of a storage room. my aunt, her husband, K, and A in one apartment. the other apartment was for the brothers. at the time, though, one of the brothers had married so it was basically just for one dude... and all the sodas. so one day, feeling like a soda, i went on over to the other apartment. i knocked on the door first, and no one answered so i assumed that he wasnt home, which was great for me because this dude used to creep me out a bit. he was akwardness personified. anyways, i open the door and start heading towards the kitchen. there was a bathroom right next to the door i came through, but i didnt even spare it a glance. or, i wouldnt have except that i heard a commotion come from it. apparently the brother was in the bathroom (thats why he didnt answer the door). problem was, i guess he doesnt close bathroom doors when he's alone. now, under different circumstances i might have just pretended i hadnt noticed him and continued to the kitchen. but this guy was making a serious commotion and, like a car crash, i couldnt look away. after a minute or so i regained my senses and rushed back to the other apartment sans soda. needless to say, i had other people get me my soda for the rest of the summer.

*I Write Sins Not Tragedies - Panic! at the Disco


  1. anonymous hippopotamusJune 7, 2011 at 9:31 AM

    waaait didn't this happen to noura???

  2. i think it happened to everyone in the world. that kid never learned his lesson.
