Thursday, May 27, 2010

i don't wanna be friends

okay, so though i know that a lot of your probably like her, i just have to say that i cannot stand lady gaga. i hate her. when she first came out and everyone started obsessing over her i was very meh about her: didnt like her, didnt hate her. as time went on, she began to grate on my nerves more and more. and now, now i would like nothing more than to just erase her from the book of my life. most of her songs are obnoxious and stick in your head for days after you hear them. and not in a good way either. i went into that a bit in this old post. i just realized, though, a couple days ago that all of her songs may actually not be that bad when i heard a cover of one and actually liked it. so i guess she's just my biggest problem.

and i am sorry, her style is not creative or expressive or genius. it is slutty and ridiculous. i mean ninety percent of the time she's not even wearing pants! it's like she sits in her room and tries to think up the most ridiculous, stupidest thing she can, and then wears it. i am so sick of hearing how putting soda cans in her hair was genius and legendary and whatnot. it wasnt. at all.

what brought on this wave of gaga hate? i try not to listen to her if i can avoid it, because i mean, why torture myself, right? yesterday when i was driving home, four out of the six radio stations i have saved were playing her songs. the other two were giving traffic reports or talking about something or other that i wasnt interested in. but yeah, she is taking over my radio and i dont like it. i cannot wait for her fifteen minutes of fame to finish already.

*Bad Romance - Lady Gaga


  1. n example of lady gaga that i actually liked... I MORE THAN HATE this song...but when they sang it...i loved (well not loved) but i didn't hate it the way i hate it when she sings it.

    and i totally agree lady gaga SUCKS...shes stupid and the whole world has been brainwashed by her.

  2. wow! i don't know what was going on with me when I typed that comment. :S

  3. see?? i told you. i didnt get through the entire song because anisah couldnt stand listening to it and i didnt wanna go get my headphones, but i wasnt too impressed. i'll listen to it completely later though and maybe i'll change my mind.

  4. I think you're Muslim. So being a Muslim brother it is my responsibility to share this with you. Just search into the word ILLUMINATI. After that when you're pretty much have a good idea of its back ground or origination. Then type "Lady Gaga illuminati. I am not really a devout Muslim but hey I don't fuck around and drink. I do curse and lie sometimes though. That was just uncalled for but just putting it out there to give you an idea.

  5. responsibility??? really? thats the stupidest thing i've ever heard.

    and your horrible grammar is what's uncalled for.

  6. Anonymous 1... yes, i am muslim, and i will do all of that googling later because i am not in a mood to read a lot, but i'm sure it's really interesting.

    Anonymous 2... um calm down.

  7. Anonymous 2! You find me offensive, I find you offensive for finding me offensive. So go fuck yourself! Fucktard!

  8. okay wow, Anonymous 1, you need to calm down, too. to be fair, i don't think A2 ever called you offensive.

    i didnt think a post about lady gaga would cause so much drama. :/

    peace, people.

  9. I just went with the flow. Sorry though. I could give two shits about her. Oh by the way, gaga is not a girl. As far as I know, girls don't have dicks. So that's that and gaga is a tranny! Hmm, talk about compensating for insecurity!

  10. wow! muslim just by name i see... I never called you offensive nor did I use any offensive words. I was just stating the facts... your grammar is awful.. truth hurts.

  11. don't get me wrong but i am kinda getting this strong vibe that you're related to sarah. it's just a wild guess so don't get all freaked out if I am right. as far as the grammar is concerned, i don't care. you got what i was saying, right? so whatever!
