Saturday, May 22, 2010

man, that's awesome

wow have you noticed that all my posts lately have been thesis-length long? you probably have as you are the ones that have been reading/skipping over them. i really dont notice how much i ramble until i take a look at my blog and think, wow thats a megalong post. so, here's my attempt at a short one:

i was told a while back that the word 'awesome' is really only used on the east coast of the US, or at least only used excessively here. i use the word awesome a billion and one times a day, and kind of just thought everyone else did too. i dunno how i feel about finally becoming an east coaster after like twelve years of living here. i never thought it would happen.

if anyone not living on the east coast could clarify this, i'd be forever grateful. where else do people use awesome for everything?

*Bee Your Man - Relient K


  1. no no no no noooo...that can't be true.. we're californians.. not virginians.

    OMG NO! i refuse to believe this...its not true.. and whoever told you that is a liar.

  2. lool my thoughts exactly. but i think it finally happened. we close our eyes for a second and turn into virginians.

  3. nope i refuse to accept that..

    and i've got another movie suggestion... its called Keith. its soo sad but soo awesome at the same time.
