Friday, May 14, 2010

you did your walk of fame and that was it

okay so last night i decide i'm not gonna set my alarm or anything and i am going to sleep in because it is the first day of summer break and stuff. so i dont. you know what time i woke up?? eight twenty something! gah i am disgusted with myself and my inability to sleep in anymore. and that was after forcing myself back to sleep twice. i need to go visit my younger self and figure out how to sleep into the double digits.

also, because i know you guys were all just so worried about this, the excitement for graduating did kick in yesterday. it was about the time that i saw a bunch of friends i hadnt seen in forever and we were being herded to the loading dock and wondering how the circus elephants fit there every year. we have very deep thoughts for recent college graduates, do we not? i'd go into graduation detail but it was really just a couple of five minute speeches and then a few agonizing hours of reading through names while me and my friend really had to pee. oh, and the IT school was the second to last to get called. feel sorry for us. but my brothers wore suits and they looked adorable.

another thing, is it cheating to use the same song for post titles two day in a row?? cause i kinda thought so when i wrote it but i really don't feel like going and searching through my music for something else.

*Fly Away From Here - Dropline


  1. haha, I hate when you forget how to sleep in, sucks so much

  2. i woke up at 4 am today cuz i was like SHIT!! i need to be at mason by then i forced myself to go back to sleep, and ended up waking up at 4:15, then 4:20, then 4:30, then 4:50 I AM SOOOO FREAKING TIRED!

  3. SJ... it is definitely one of the worst things about regular early waking.

    Anonymous... and then you woke the rest of the world up with you. i'm tired, too. definitely sleeping early tonight.

  4. -_-

    i also have this sleep problem, but recently i've developed this new addiction to hulu. if i have something due tomorrow, i have to watch everything on hulu.

    if i have nothing due, i don't want to watch anything. every milli-piece of my being likes to procrastinate


  6. R... yeah i've heard hulu was responsibility's worst nightmare. i've never actually watched anything on it myself, though. probably shouldn't risk getting into something else to procrastinate with.

    Anonymous... lol there are a lot of drafts being created, but none of them are getting finished and published. ask them why. and i actually have been busy the last couple of days with commencement, and guests, and boys' homework, and cleaning, and stuff.

  7. I've lose my ability to wake up in the double digits. I wake up in the single ones that come after them, and I'm always skipping my morning class. Methinks we should switch.

  8. yes we should definitely switch. today, i woke up at six:thirty! it was ridiculous.
