Friday, December 11, 2009

he's trying too hard, and he's not quite hip, but in his own mind he's the he's the dopest trip

okay i just remembered something from class yesterday that i wanted to post. and then i'll go work and none of you will see me again until i finish school... maybe.

anyways, we were sitting in class waiting for the professor to come, and this dude in front of me is talking about pens and stuff. im not really listening much. then he says, "i'm gonna get a bunch of cool pocket protectors and bring them back."

the whole class turns to stare at him.

"umm... i dont think they were ever in to bring back. cool and pocket protectors really don't go together," one guy said.

"they were in for a very small select group of people, i'm sure. but then i'll just bring them."

he was semi-joking (not really) but it was a perfect way to end my semester: having the true IT geekiness shine in my last class. i have to admit, i was a little embarrassed to be sitting in the same room as him, breathing the same air, but at the same time, the more he talked about it, the more it made sense. and aside from his lame jokes, i never really considered him a geek.

maybe i did choose the right major after all.

*Pretty Fly (For a White Guy) - Offspring


  1. LOOOOL so should i buy you a pocket protector for this years b-day present?? :D

  2. um, no. i dont think im that far gone.
