Tuesday, December 22, 2009

it took me some time, but now i've moved on

so i finally heard back from that professor of mine. everyone had been telling me that she was sexist (and though she made no attempt to hide the fact that she preferred guys in class, i didnt think she would transfer those feelings to grades) and i kinda believed them after reading her email. she added a measly plus to my grade, but i guess it's better than nothing. i mean, at least now the C will have something to keep it company when i am in denial and completely ignoring the fact that it exists. that and the B+ in msom. stupid group projects killed my gpa.

anyways, back to the sexist thing. so it appears that she had used an outdated percentage calculator thing while doing my grade, but thanks for alerting her to her mistake. she checked the rest of the grades and thank god they were all right. she only used that calculator with me. the only girl in the class. convenient.

she showed me the grade breakdown and while i dont agree in taking off 10% because i didnt participate when there were no class discussions except as everyone was leaving and the stupid overachieving group would talk about her book, i have decided to forget about it. i have also decided to forget about the judge (that wasnt supposed to be a judge but she was invited by the overachievers. coincidence that the two things that brought my grade down were because of the women graders?) that gave us an awful grade on the final presentation. i plan to have voluntary amnesia about this entire class.

i am moving on.

*Me, Myself, and I - Beyonce


  1. what kind of woman is sexist against women??? i guess she's that way because she looks like a hooker and hates being looked down on by other women.

  2. actually, it's supposedly common that women in positions of power are easier on men than other women. but yeah, the hooker thing probably plays into it, too.
