Sunday, December 20, 2009

let the snow swallow the streets whole, keep the bus from coming

i love my brothers to death, really i do, but when i heard that fairfax county was closing schools monday and tuesday and wednesday, i think i died a little. i was looking forward to those days. i needed them. they were my winding-down-take-a-break days - after my semester finished and before my brothers vacation started. they were the days that i could breathe, that i could relax, that i could read or write or watch tv or stare at the ceiling making friends with shadows on the wall (matchbox twenty in case you didnt get that). i could do whatever without an endless torrent of "can you do a project with me?" "can you watch a movie with me?" "can you take me outside?" "can you watch me when i play?" "can i use your computer?" "can i have a snack?" "can i... can i ... can i..."

and to tell you the truth, i dont think i can.

i was looking forward to those days, and they have been stolen from me by the board of fairfax county who felt like an entire weekend was not time enough to clear off the sidewalks and salt the streets. i mean all the roads have already been cleared... why the closing?? announce a two hour delay. give them monday off if you really must. but why in the world would you announce an entire week of snow days before the week even starts??

and no, i will not think of all the children who are no doubt ecstatic over this news. their vacation starts thursday, wednesday afternoon actually. and the snow will still be here then. patience is something they all need more of.

*Snow Day - The Honorary Title


  1. i was thinking the same thing until i really saw the streets. it took us 2 hours to get from silver dine in fair lakes to walmart! 2 freaking hours... cuz the road was sooo bad ... icy, slushy, and in some parts

    it was ridiculous! and then to get back it took us 2 1/2 hours to get back to silver diner..and then another hour to get home. the roads are ridiculously bad!

  2. whoa that's crazy. we're planning on going out tonight... hopefully they're better by then??
