Tuesday, December 22, 2009

i stole your line

my brain has this thing where it just rejects songs i like sung out of tune... which is why a lot of covers just dont work for me. they may be nice, but if the singer "makes it his/her own" my brain gets angry and refuses to listen.

so remember a while ago i posted this song?? and i said it was a remix of the cuppycake song, even though the singers never mentioned that it was. so i bought their latest album (only like 5 songs) off of itunes to listen to them because they were virtually impossible to find elsewhere. i'm listening to one of the songs (Gotta Get Movin') and doing homework when my brain does that rejection thing it does. i thought that was weird because they were not doing a cover of any song i knew. i rewind the song a bit and hear these lyrics:

you dont have the reason, and i dont have the time

sounds suspiciously like maroon 5's song Makes Me Wonder lyrics, does it not?

i still dont have the reason, and you dont have the time

so i listen closer to the rest of the lyrics for the other songs. they all sound slightly familiar. none are exactly stolen from a song or anything, but most of them are made up of cliched song titles and phrases. actually, forget the most, they all are. and then there are a bunch of other lyrics that seem to be taken directly out of other songs, even if they are cliches. the songs are still okay, but umm a little originality could have made them a lot better.

*Gotta Get Movin' - The Phoenix Philosophy


  1. YAY! finally...lol

    stupid plagiarists... and paraphrasing is plagiarism..

  2. lol yes i wrote it just for you.

  3. omg
    i have the same feeling with this one group called honor society. except what they do is steal certain sections of tunes and then put them all together into a song.

  4. Interesting blog!
    I've added your link!

  5. R... that group sounds familiar, but i dont think i know them. maybe from your blog?? i dunno... but i really dont get why they cant just "be themselves."

    astrogalaxy... aww thanks! you, too!
